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Everything posted by desertflower

  1. I did. I followed my son's lead. I just printed off free preschool worksheets. I can't remember the site's name. Probably kidzone.ws? Anyhow I found it through www.dltk-teach.com site. He requested to do cursive last spring. He was a little over 5 then. Cursive is going much slower. I got a kumon book (title tracing?) that my 4 year old loves. She also flew through it. I just bought more kumon books because of this. If you feel it's right, then go for it imo. :) Don't do it if she doesn't want to. There are a few free sites with preschool worksheets. I don't remember them. Perhaps someone else can fill in? Gl!
  2. For me, the Makers Faire. :) My 2 oldest said the GA Aquarium and my 2 year old said the zoo.
  3. Well I have not done sotw in months, so take this with a grain of salt. :) If I remember correctly I only read about one page (2?) from sotw at a time. After that I'll get something for them to do while I read a book. generally, it was just one book. Any others that I've checked out would be for later. I never had a whole lot checked out. Generally just 1 or 2 more. With science, I just read it during lunch or when the 2 year old naps or when the 2 year old is busy. Fortunately, all 3 like the let's read and find out series. I may end up reading the fast version though if my 2 year gets restless. :) For bedtime, we read books that they enjoy or classsic books or read poems or listen to classical music/hymns. Fortunately for me, they like the mathstart books and sir cumference books and I can read them anytime. We are more science and math type of people than history, so I don't know if that has any influence in my decisions.
  4. One thing I would keep in mind is what type of learner she is. Workbook type is this curriculum and kinesthetic learners this curriculum, etc.
  5. I like Five in a Row. I know she'll only be 4, but I think it'll be fine. There's a book list on the site that you can look at before you buy. You can google to search for some projects that other people have done with it. With my 4 year old, I don't necessarily do everything. But it's a start. Hth
  6. Saving a thread from the wtm forum. :) I think you have to save it in pdf form. So, something like what Farrar said. I usually forget how. Lol
  7. I didn't see it anywhere. But judging from the books I think it'll be appropriate for your kids. Hth
  8. There's a yahoo group called Hannah_hs_helps that has a list of children's books that correspond to sotw. I haven't actually looked into the books, but that's what it looks like from the chart. Hth
  9. Well since you haven't had any luck, I'll throw in my 2 cents. I'm not sure what you are looking for. like Farrar, my kids learn how to use the mouse by playing games on pbskids.org. for free programming, I am using code.org with my oldest. I hear Scratch is free and kid friendly. You can also try Khan academy (because KA seems to have everything ). MIT also has some free courses. Hth
  10. I agree with Ellie. I can understand your frustrations and concerns. if it was my child, I would continue reading to him and continue to buddy read. I think he'll want to read chapter books eventually. Definitely show him some books that may interest him as well. How about longer picture books? Like from the five in a row list? For example, Mike Mulligan and the steam shovel. Or Katy No Pockets. This may serve as a transition. Hth
  11. Ah, how remiss of me. I didn't even think since she's an immigrant that she may not be fluent in English. Yes, audiobooks would help. How about lit2go.com? That's free. The little girl may be able to read the my first little house series. Very kind of you to help.
  12. I think it's going to take some time and practice . She needs to read to them and the kids need to read aloud in addition to free reading time. Looks like you have a good list. She can read Charlotte's Web, My Father's Dragon, the Little House series and the Wizard of Oz to them. Good luck and hth.
  13. Tangram puzzles. You can get big foam ones at toys r us or small ones like the mighty mind game. My kids also like kinetic sand. Letter stamps to paint with. Hth
  14. Thanks. Are there any more? How do I get a list to find out what other free stuff they are offering?
  15. Vote for A too. At tbis age, reading to them and learning phonics are important. Science experiments at this age are always fun.
  16. Happy Holidays everyone! and a Happy New Year! Woohoo!
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