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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. We always had a school room and since we moved here we are schooling in our dinning room and I actually prefer it. I have a corner desk with my computer, then one wall is lined with bookshelves and we have the kids computer desk against another wall. The room is large so it works well and can use my big table for school rather than the folding tables we used in our old school rooms.
  2. With my last baby nothing was comfortable, so I just didn't wear any until the very end. How is that for TMI. :leaving:
  3. We tried year round one year and it just wasn't for us and then once my older kids started college it made sense for us to follow the trraditional school calandar, so now we are off when they are. I have the kids doing those vacation stations by BJU this year to keep their brains functioning LOL.
  4. I would love to live off grid! And to be as self sustaining as possible. I will be watching this thread :)
  5. Amityville Horror, Exorcist, The Omen. I was really young when I saw these and I really, really wish I hadn't.
  6. My kids have applied to a total of 8 universities and small colleges and only 1 wanted more than our homemade transcript.
  7. We ended up rescheduling it to sometime in June. We would love it if you could come!
  8. Is ugly a decor? The walls are papered in a 70's peach sea shell design, but the owners put it up upside down so the shells are under the sand. The floor and shower are smallish tan tiles. The other bathroom is worse, if that's possible.
  9. When I had my daycare it was Precious Years Child Care. I had a friend that had one named Giggles and Grins.
  10. Im not sure how old my mom is, but she had 5 of us all a little over ayear apart and I am the baby, so I think she was @ 26 or so when she had me. So I am guessing she is 65(ish).
  11. My DD used Apologia and got accepted into pre-vet. Her first science class at college was hard and she felt like she missed alot of things with Apologia. She did fine in the class, but had to really work at it. Because of my DD's insistance that apologia wasn't thorough enough and the many discusssions on this board @ the lack of rigor of Apologia, we have since decided to switch our science for the rest of our kids from Apologia to BJU ( with homesat).
  12. I am 39, got married at 18 and had my first at 20 and 10th at 36. :D
  13. :iagree: Had the title been 'Your Opinion on Civil Unions", my answer would have been totally different than the one I gave.
  14. Pam, I never really thought of this and I will have to give it more thought before I could answer.
  15. In the eyes of the people nothing, there is no difference I guess. But to me, marriage is between GOD, my Dh and me. A civil union is a state issue and not a religious one.
  16. :iagree: I should have read this first as Jessica said it so much better than what I was trying too.
  17. I oppose same sex marriage as I believe marriage is from God and is between one man and one woman. However, I don't have a problem with same sex civil unions. Civil unions would allow a same sex couple to have the same benefits of marriage such as life insurance, health insurance etc for their partner, without the marriage title part of it.
  18. My DD wasn't scared, but she is niave, so we all had a good talk earlier. When we were kids we were out all over the neighberhood until well after dark. I miss the good old days.
  19. We live in a large subdivision and have @ 3/4 an acre of land with a section of woods and a small revine type area behind out house that abuts a large field. My 13 and younger kids play down this revine and a few weeks ago my 13 yo DD said she was down there, ALONE, and she noticed a teen boy in the woods staring at her. Our dog was outside and she called the dog, who chased the kid off. I went down there and looked around and told the kids to not go out there alone, ever. Tonight my 15 yo son went out there to get our cat and all of a sudden he hears this kid take off running. Once is weird, twice is scary! So I called the police and they came out and talked to my kids and said they were going to drive around and see what they can do. I wanted this documented and figured whoever this kid is might see the police car and know I mean business. So not even 15 minutes go by and they are back. The officer said the first house they went to, the kid answered the door. He told them he was jogging? in a field ? But the officer told him to stay away from our property and hopefully that will be the end of that. My Dh is worried cause it seems like the police knew exactly which house to go to. It just seemed odd they got the right house on 1st try, kwim? Well the kids are now forbidden to go outside without a teen boy or DH and I out there and they can no longer pla down the ravine. I figured because my 13 yo was with them and there was a group that they'd be safe. :001_huh: Did I over react or would this have creeped you out too?
  20. This was 1986. I was 17 and a junior and Dh was 21. We didn't go to my senior prom because we were getting married 2 months after graduation.
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