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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Same here and for us, it's not like we can put less into savings as we dont even have a savings. As prices go up we have less to pay bills or buy food with. So I get to chose food or electricity. Thats reality for a lot of folks, so yes, it's scary.
  2. Well for us, we are worried because as food and gas goes up, we have less $ to simply live on. We are barely making our bills now and I have no clue what we will do if prices continue going up.
  3. I use cheap wash cloths from WM. I think there were 12 in the pack for @ $5? and come in a variety of colors. We use them for one meal only, but I have tons of them and my washer is constantly going anyhow.
  4. Well we haven't gone on a vacation in 8 years, so nothing new there. But we are condensing our regular errands and trips into town as much as possible and have cut what we can out of the budget. I filled up yesterday and it was $95(and I had a 1/4 tank to start!). I just pray it last a week :glare:
  5. Charlie Brown's little red haired girl :D I have 3 redhaired DDs and 3 red haired DSs.
  6. My 15 yo had this as an baby too. He was late to crawl and when he would crawl, his arms and legs would just give out and he'd flop onto his belly. He was one of my latest to walk, too. He did PT for a while and it did help some, but even today he isn't as strong as his brothers and is very clumsy.
  7. It was $3.67 yesterday and I have to fill my van today :scared:
  8. I love coffee, but it would irritate my stomach if I drank it and didn't eat soon after. Once I started having gallbladder trouble I gave it up completely.
  9. I whole heartedly agree! I had posted something and then deleted it, but basically I had to submit to my husband in something similar to this once and it was hard, but in submitting to my own husband, I was freed and it then became between God and my DH. I hope that make sense LOL.
  10. That's what I was thinking. It must stink being in the limelight all the time, kwim? It's still funny though :)
  11. Thank you all and thank you, Lori, for such a detailed reply. Definitely on my list of possiblities!
  12. Can you tell me if you liked it or not? What you did like or what you didn't like? or both LOL. I am thinking of this for my 7th and 8th graders next year.
  13. If it were a younger child, I might hesistate, but your son is almost an adult so I would use it, but I would have him research both sides of the pupulation debate and let him make his own descisions.
  14. You should be able to watch it on Fox.com in the next few days.
  15. I am sorry you are feeling this way. :grouphug: Please, find a close friend, pastor or an older woman to speak with.
  16. The worst I have experienced was once in a Pizza Hut. We had 4 or 5 kids at the time? and I was pregnant. DH was in the booth with some of the kids and I was in the bathroom with one of the other kids. An older lady had come to our bench and was telling DH how nice our kids were blah blah. Then, I come and and join him, huge pregnant belly and all, and with another child. Her head about spun backwards LOL. She started yelling at me and asking me why I wasn't on the pill? How come I had so many kids? I just stammered something about allowing God to decide our family size. She gets real close and yells in my face" When is the last time you talked to God". Finally, mercifully, her DD or sister or who ever, pulls her away and they left. Of course after she left I thought of about a zillion come backs. Such as, me and my Dh don't use BC and we like to _______. I'd have loved to see her face at that one :D Then there was the time in McDonalds with my sister and we were getting the "looks". So I said to my sis realy loud how I wish McD's took food stamps! And how I am so thankful ALL the kid's dads paid their child support that month. My sister vowed to never go in public with me again LOL. ( no offense meant to those who use gov aid or get child support) But you know, I cant tell you how many times I have ran into older ladies who tell me how blessed I am. They tell me that I have a beautiful family and a few tell me that they wish they had had more. That happens more than the few bad experiences.
  17. I agree. I understood why they had that part in it, but it went a bit too far imho. I was watching with my 15 and 17 yo and made them leave the room. I hope they don't continue down this road either.
  18. My 18 yo is going to college in the fall and is majoring in engineering. While searching for schools, I called and spoke with counselors at the various colleges and they all mentioned calculus and physics, but they also mentioned really focusing on writing. We had our son take writing classes at the CC this year to better prepare him for the work load ahead.
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