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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. who were in the path of the storms. I hope you all are ok! :grouphug:
  2. Aww, thanks! I am not taking it personally, but felt the need to explain another QF point of view than the one presented. kwim?
  3. How neat! Thanks for sharing and I hope your son is feeling better.
  4. I understand! Hopefully the storm will pass and you will be able to put the bird house up. :grouphug:
  5. How many of us and I mean all of us posting here have chosen a different life than our parents? We all choose different roads and if the Lord leads those children from QF then that is what is meant to be for them. I don't expect my children to each have 10 kids (although it would be cool!). I expect them and their spouse to prayfully consider the Lord's will for their life. My oldest aways said she wasn't having kids. Then it was 1, maybe 2. Now it's maybe 4 LOL. Can't have scarred her too bad. It sounds like you have alot of pain/hurt from the church/area you lived in and I am sorry you went through that. :grouphug: But just as all home schoolers are not the same, neither are all of us who choose a QF life.
  6. Well technically you aren't trying or not for anything. You are having relations with your Dh and not worrying about whether your concieve or not; you let God do the worrying.
  7. I am obviously a QFer :) We have chosen to allow the Lord to choose our family size. Yes, a huge part of being QF is trusting Him to give you a baby, but to also provide for that child too. Keep in mind that not everyone who is QF has a dozen kids. As far as looking down on people who don't believe this way, I know that we personally don't. I believe being QF is between God, my DH and I. I also feel this way about home school, home birth etc. I don't expect everyone to do what I do and certainly don't look down on others who choose a different path.
  8. Psa 127:3 Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward. Psa 127:4 As arrows [are] in the hand of a mighty man; so [are] children of the youth. Psa 127:5 Happy [is] the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
  9. I am laughing here, the news was just doing a brief thing on what to do in a tornado ( now that the storm is over?? lol) and mentioned bike helmets! And I thought it was just us moms :)
  10. I was just thinking of that. Praying for you all. :grouphug:
  11. Excitement is over for now. The tornado that touched down was only on the ground briefly, whatever that means. My son called and said he saw an actual funnel cloud but it never came to the ground. He thought it was rather neat. I told him to get inside asap, Kids LOL. Thanks for the prayers.
  12. There is a tornado waning and one spotted on the ground a few towns away and from what the map looks like it's headed in our direction. Prayers please! My 18 yo is at work. Gotta go hide in the bathroom, like that's safe? :confused:
  13. I was wondering if those who are able to come could post here so we can know how many are able to come.
  14. Yes, this is what I have heard too. The rumor about her weaning has been going around for a while. I have gotten pregnant while nursing, twice. It does happen.
  15. As far as I understand, if you used TT or H&R Block etc , and paid your filing fees out of your refund, you will get a paper check. If you used TT or H&R Block etc and used a credit card or debit or alternate way to pay the fees and you did NOT have it taken out of your refund, then you should get a DD.
  16. I don't know why I am defending her, because as I have said I don't know her, buuuut I keep hearing the weaning thing and I have never actually read or saw that anywhere. There are plenty of woman who get thier cycle back while breastfeeding.
  17. I have to agree with you. I meet alot of people online who automatically assume I am very religous and a great mom. Just because I birthed 10 kids? I struggle daily in my walk with the Lord and I wish I could be more like the Michelle Duggars of this world, but I am far from what she appears to be on her TV shows. I don't know what defines a good mom. I am a much better mom than MY mom, but I am sure there are tons of better ones out there than me. I am impatient and yell at my kids. I also spend way too much time on this comptuer LOL. And that's just the things I will admit to you, there are alot of other faults. To the making it a religion, I agree there too. When Dh and I got married we belonged to a church that was very legalistic and they preached against birth control. This is where we got convited to be QF. I still hold my QF conviction, but at the time we were there, it did seem the more kids you had the holier you were and the holier people assumed you were. I know nothing could be further from the truth. They also preached the more $ you had the holier you must be. I guess DH and I must be heathens after all. :D
  18. From what I have heard, and I don't know the Duggars and haven't met them even though I live not 25 minutes from them LOL, is that they bought real estate years ago and now rent that real estate out. From what I understand most of it is commercial properties, which would bring in a decent monthly income. Also, they rented a 3 bedroom house until the 15th? was due. I don't remember, but when I first started watching shows @ them, they were living in a rented 3 bedroom and then they did a show @ them building the house. I would assume while renting a small house they were saving money. I believe they do make money from the TV shows and all, but I think alot if hard work too.
  19. Well when our 7th was 6 weeks old we were told he was blind ( by pediatric eye specialist at a major specialty hospital) and we believe he was healed through a miracle. The same eye specialist told us not even 2 weeks later, through tears, that he could see. My 8th was born with Hirschsprung's disease and had a 6 inch section of his colon removed at 4 days old. he has never had any issues since and was able to stop his twice yearly Children's Hospital visits when we moved to Maine. The above child is the one who just started having seizures and allso has some undiagnosed learning issues. We think he is dyslexic and he has been in speech theraphy for 2 years. For us, we believe the Lord opens and closes the womb and we believe each child is a gift. We also believe the Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle. Obviously the Lord think smore of me than I do :)
  20. I never heard of it either until homeschooling, but I wasn't exactly a scholar in highschool :D
  21. I agree. My mom birthed 5 children, but she wasn't a mother to us really. I think she tried with my older siblings but ran out of energy or sanity or love by the time me and my nearest brother came along.
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