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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I am planning to try it this week and I hope someone has some recipes to share or helpful tips. This is the one I was going to try: http://www.vrg.org/recipes/vjseitan.htm
  2. Anyone know what the difference is between the 2nd and 3rd editions? Sorry for the wrong title, I thought it was 1st and 2nd editions, not 2nd and 3rd.
  3. Once a post is a little bit old it can no longer be edited and so I am getting PMs for things I had listed on the for sale board ages ago. I did post a reply that the item has sold, but people don't always read all the way down. I wonder if we could have a delete feature added?
  4. Can a UTI be passed to another person via s#x? I wish we could post anonymously LOL.
  5. It hasn't been bad except with the rising cost of gas and food it's making it harder to pay the basics. I can't wait to be debt free!
  6. I am out too much and would love to never have to leave the house again unless I wanted too!
  7. We are new to following his plan and have just started paying off our debt. I know there are others here who have used it sucessfully. There is an online support community you can visit too http://www.livinglikenooneelse.com/forum/index.php
  8. We love this recipe I got from http://www.fatfreevegan.com/beans/three.shtml : Three Layer Mexican Pie Posted by Seedy on McDougall Board I thought this turned out rather well. The nacho cheaze was a dead-on ringer for the real thing (at least to someone who hasn't eaten cheese in a long while LOL). I think DH's and DS's would like this sort of thing - my omni brother liked it. Bottom Layer: Beans and corn Mix together and layer in bottom of 9X13 baking pan: 1 can black beans (drained and rinsed) 1 can dark red kidney beans (drained and rinsed) 1 can sweet corn with peppers (drained and rinsed) 1 can chili beans in sauce (hot or mild) 1 TBS dehydrated onion flakes (or finely diced fresh) Middle Layer: Nacho Cheaze (based on recipe from Healthy Heart Foundation) Combine in food processer or blender: 1 can great northern beans (drained and rinsed) 6 TBS nutritional yeast (not brewer's yeast) 1/2 C salsa (hot or mild) 2 TBS lemon juice 1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp any type of prepared mustard Blend until very smooth and creamy; pour over beans. Top Layer: 1 bag of Hashbrown potatoesI used Simply Potatoes Southwestern Hashbrowns but you can use regular hashbrowns mixed with 1 TBS chili powder Spinkle hashbrowns over cheaze sauce Bake at 375 F for 45 minutes or until hashbrowns are brown and cheaze is bubbly. Makes 8 large serving (and would definitely max out your bean servings for the day if you're doing MWL). Fatfreevegan Note: The bean layer came out quite dry for a number of us on the fatfree_vegan email list. We suggest adding at least a cup of a tomato-based sauce to the bean ingredients. Otherwise, the recipe's terrific, and the Nacho Cheaze is one of the best fake cheese sauces we've tasted My note: I added some salsa to the bean layer and my family really liked that. Another time I added a can of diced tomatoes and they said they liked the salsa better. I really like the nacho cheeze and it does taste alot like the real thing!
  9. I started off wearing pants with elastic waist and loose tops. As I have lost more I switched to real jeans, but I only have a few pairs. Once I get to goal I will buy a larger quanity of clothes.
  10. Nan, Have you seen teaching the Classics from IEW? I wonder how that would compare to using TWEM?
  11. I would do it in a heartbeat! However, I would design the area how I wanted it and how it would work best for my family. Can you sit down with the carpenter and tell him what you want and go from there. Also, can your mom adopt me? :D
  12. I wonder if other retailers such as K-mart, Target etc have parking lots where crime happens? Or is iit just at Wal-Mart? I wonder if they bothered to research one retailer verses the others to see which has the highest? As far as I know all WM's have security cameras in the parking lots. I know the ones I have been in in MA, NH, ME, AR and MO do. I will say it again, that I have worked at WM in Maine and my son works for WM here in Arkansas and the employees are treated well and fair, more than fair.
  13. And thank you everyone for the help. I am going to start this spring on the books my 15 yo will be reading for EWH and then I can start of the TOG books once I get a few of his read. I am really thinking of buying Teaching The Classcs and working through that this summer too, which I think will help ME a lot. I never really studied literature so I am looking forward to it.
  14. Thanks again for the review. I did buy these, but I don't think it's going to be a good fit for our family.
  15. Aww, I bet he did fine! He sounds like a wonderful guy :) My son did get hired right away, but he is only a cart pusher. Keep us updated.
  16. Here you go: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4113
  17. Thanks for the replies. I think the audio book idea is wonderful and might be a good solution for some of the books.
  18. specially if you have many children? I want to have discussions about the books we are reading and I really would like to read the R level books next year just for MY education ( Thanks to Janice's great post!), but I am trying to figure out how I am going to manage this.
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