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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I keep hearing the phrase world view and I am clueless what exactly it means. Do I even have one? Would I know if I did ? LOL How does one teach/learn world view? Thanks!
  2. I don't think brown rice is being rationed anywhere? I did just buy a ton thank goodness LOL.
  3. My one and only induction ended up being a C-section, so I would never do it again unless it was a real medical emergency. Edited to add: All 10 of my babies have been 1-3 weeks over due and all have been large and I would still choose to let nature take it's course.
  4. Thanks ! My 17 yo did better than we had hoped, so we are happy here.
  5. I am not one to panic either, but with 12 of us to feed, I am stocking up on grains and beans. And now, I will add butter to my list :D
  6. Is there a teacher's book for this? I didn't see it on the web site. Thanks.
  7. I was wondering if I would need a hida scan and now I know I wont be having it. They can just remove the GB lol. Sorry you went through that and I would have panicked too!
  8. What does this mean? A 130% rise in the global cost of wheat in the past year, caused partly by surging demand from China and India and a huge injection of speculative funds into wheat futures, has forced the Government to hit flour millers with three rounds of stiff mark-ups.
  9. I would be fine with it. It's her body and her descision. Now, when my oldest was 12 and decided she wasn't going to brush her teeth anymore, I did have to fight that one LOL. Kids, gotta love em. :D
  10. He did do a year of mandarin, but he didn't continue it this year. Driving to the U would have been too much for him this year . He ended up taking spanish instead at the CC closer to home.
  11. Yes, it is ;) Thank you everyone for sharing in our excitement!!!
  12. My 18 yo just got a letter informing him he got a $10K scholarship! He had applied for this in December and we didn't hear anything so I figured he wasn't chosen. I am in shock! Both DH and I never went to college after highschool and DH went when he was 32 so this is all new to us. Sorry if I am being silly but we are really excited here!
  13. Thank you for such a detailed post on how to with TWEM! I have looked at using it but was clueless on how to make it work. You make it seem so easy!
  14. Thanks for the replies and the info. Now to decide what I want to use. :)
  15. I know I am thinkng way ahead here but, I am looking at using ancient history based writing lessons this coming year with my 5th, 7th and 8th graders. Would I then continue using the history based programs( medievel, US...) or do they teach the same things over again? If they are meant to be used one after the other, what would you use when you were done with the history based ones? Would you continue with IEW( if so, which product would you use) or something else completely? I hope this made sense LOL Thanks! :)
  16. I am so sorry :grouphug: Praying for you here.
  17. I put $86 in on Tuesday and just put another $94 in the tank. At this rate I am going to have to stop buying food lol
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