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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. But how is this so, if a calorie is a calorie, it shouldn't matter what you are eating? Why or how would you lose weight quicker by eating healther? I know you feel better and are healthier eating better foods, but I am curious as to weight loss only and calories consumption.
  2. For weight loss purposes only, are calories all the same? Say for instance your BMR is 1800 calories a day. You need a deficit of 3500/week to lose one pund, so you eat 1300 calories a day of twinkies. Would you still lose weight? Would it make a difference if it was 1300 calories a day or brown rice? Would one give you more of a loss than the other?
  3. 19 yo did some saxon then finished with Teaching Texbooks and had to take remedial math her freshman year of college. 18 yo did saxon through Alg 2, then pre-cal at a charter school for 11th, but I can't remember what publisher is was. Then he took calc/trig at the community college his senior year and recieved an A. He enters college in the fall as a freshman and is majoring in engineering. 16 yo has used Teaching Textbooks so far and is taking college algebra next year as a senior at the comunnity college. 15 yo is using Saxon, which he likes and we plan to stick with for him. For the remaining children we plan to use BJU all the way through. These plans can change, of course :D
  4. for fall, which means I will have 3 kids in college next year :scared: And DH is thinking of going back for his masters. Ought to be an interesting year :D
  5. Thanks, Penny! I am working on making a schedule for fall so I can see in black and white what our days will look like. Once things are writen down it makes it easier for me to deal with kwim? I appreciate all the support ladies!
  6. I do have a few of these too and I will have to test it out next time. I just dont want the kids to freak out.
  7. DO not go there with snakes. There are NO snakes in Arkansas. NONE. I wondered if the helmets would cause them to be more scared? Especially if they saw me with one on :lol:
  8. Last night during the tornado watch we had the news on and they listed some safety tips and one was to put bike helmets on the kids. I laughed at first but they thought it might not be that bad an idea. What do you think? I HATE HATE HATE the fact we don't have a storm shelter or basement, so whatever I can do to help keep them safe, kwim?
  9. I already told DH I am ready to move back north where it's safe. :scared:
  10. I didn't read the reviews, good point LOL! Thanks for your replies, I am crossing it off the list. :)
  11. Fast Food Nation Overcoming Dyslexia Mere Christianity
  12. I worked as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant most night and weekends until 2 AM. I had work study so I went in for English first period and then left for my job as a receptionist, which I worked 30 hours a week.
  13. I moved out of my parent's home when I was a junior and had my own apartment when I was a senior. I got married two months after graduation and 16 months later my I had my first baby.
  14. I haven't before, but for this coming year I bought all the books we will need for our history and lit programs. The savings in time was worth it and if I need to I can always resell them when we are done.
  15. Anyone have one of these? How many loaves of wheat bread can you make at once? I have an older, regular KA and I can only do 2 loaves at once. http://www.amazon.com/KitchenAid-KP26M1XDP-Professional-6-Quart-Pewter/dp/B0002Y5X8S/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=kitchen&qid=1207854543&sr=1-3 Thanks!
  16. In our current situtation of high debt, we would be comfortable with @ 15-20K more than we make now, which is still alot less than 100K. If we didn't have the debt we do, we would be fine with DH's current salary.
  17. Thanks, Yvonne. I have both programs so I can decide either way. It would be easier to do the 7th only because I have a 7th grader doing it too so they could do it together. I think the experiments and stuff would be more fun that way too.
  18. I am not sure if the classic has a loom CD like the redesign? I think it would be hard without being able to copy and paste the info. Maybe someone who has used classic will answer. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
  19. I am making workbooks that will end up being spiral bound at kinkos. You use the Loom CD and copy/paste the info you want into a program like Word and then edit it to fit your needs. I am putting in the questions and answers, maps and time line now :-) Anything you feel you want them to have in a work book format. I know there is other stuff I added but I am drawing a blank right now.
  20. Excellent idea! I have been working on making the workbooks, too, and so far I am really happy with them. Thank you so much for the help!
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