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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I have sold a few things there and it's really easy. Thery do charge fees, but I think it's less than ebay. I have had the best luck selling DH's college textbooks on Amazon.
  2. Wow, sorry you went through that. Hope tomorrow ( today) is better!
  3. Wow, how scary! Thanks for the reminder to take a class.
  4. Yes! And I found some plastic screw on lids ( for storage and freezing only) so I can reuse them and not worry about rust.
  5. Wal-Mart has a section with glass containers and lids. In the WM I went too they are on the opposite side of the isle from the plastic containers.
  6. I went through my kitchen and reorganized it. I realised I have been wasting a lot of money just because of the lack of a system. So, I went through all the cabinets and the fridge ( and tossed way too much spoiled stuff :( ). I bought some new glass jars and storage containers so we will cut back on zip locks and I also am going to get some labels tomorow. Hopefully that will end the tossing of spoiled food. But the biggest thing to help I think will be just the reorganziing of things I already have. I can see what's in the pantry now instead of buying more only to find out I have 4 cans of XYZ or whatever LOL. Now to work on the rest of the house :D
  7. Thank you for the information, I appreciate it!
  8. I thought of a few more ideas in case you are still looking: Beef stew Beef pot pie Chicken Pot Pie
  9. Cook and debone a whole chicken (or use boneless skinless breast) shred it and mix with cream of whatever soup. Place in a 9X13 ( a 10X15 pan would be idea or one 9X13 and a smaller 8X8 if they have a lot of older kids) and top with stove top stuffing. Bake 350 for 30 minutes or so. Serve with a salad and rolls. Shepperds pie with salad etc Lasagna, rolls, salad Chili & corn bread BBQ meatballs, rice and veggies And don't forget the dessert :D
  10. Anyone have one, I need to place an order. Thanks!
  11. I had my dd doing this in the fall and while I loved the results, she hated it and we soon dropped it. It just took too much time for her to do each day.
  12. I am trying to see if it would be worth it to buy the activity book or not especailly as I will need 3. Did you actually use it? Do you feel it added to the program or was it just busy work? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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