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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. DH and I saw it on Saturday and thought it was good. We had a great discussion about it with our kids yesterday and plan for them to see it. The only part that could be upsetting is the one already mentioned with the bodies of Holocaust victims, but it was really quick.
  2. LOL well now it's a done deal if Dave says so! :D That does make me feel better though, really.
  3. LOL you guys are great! You have talked me into going! I think I am going to skip the spa, but I am going to plan for 2 nights somewhere and just relax and enjoy myself.
  4. I am thinking about it, but not sure yet. It would be fun!
  5. Thanks for all the replies! I am going to do something, just need to figure out where and when. I am looking forward to this!
  6. Thanks for the replies. I am leaning towards going for the day and spend some time walking the shops etc and then coming home. I think I would feel too guilty spending money to relax and enjoy myself. It's going to be just as fun and relaxing to spend the day by myself having fun!
  7. DH shocked me today by telling me he planned a few nights for me at a spa for my Mother's Day gift. He showed me a few places online and told me to pick when I wanted to go and where. This is a huge thing for Dh to do for me and I am so touched. I have been feeling very stressed and burnt out lately and I can't imagine 2 days to myself and a spa treatment too! But I am feeling sooo guilty! We don't have any extra money and we have a good amount of debt( yes, we were stupid) and are following Dave Ramsey's plan to get debt free. We would use some of our Stimulus check to pay for this, but we really really should be paying down debt instead. Should I just go for the day and enjoy some of the shops, maybe get a massage and then come home( It's a 40 minute drive) or should I go for it and enjoy 2 nights away. It would have been so much easier if he had just booked it and told me to GO lol.
  8. I did before I had my oldest. I didn't know what was going on till after too. So sorry you are going through this :grouphug:
  9. Sorry I wasn't more clear. The class he is taking is a remedial math class because he tested too low for regular college algebra. The class he is taking is a non-credit basic intro to algebra to get him ready for college algebra the following year.
  10. Just thought I'd add that my 11th grader who used TT Alg 1, TT Alg II and is halfway through TT Geometry just enrolled for CC classes. They had him do the compass test to evaluate where he is in math and he placed into a beginning algebra class. I stand by my belief that TT does not prepare a child for college level work.
  11. I was 16 and a waitress in a small coffee shop type place. He would come in after work for dinner and one day he told one of his friends that he was going to marry me someday LOL( he hadn't even asked me out yet). Almost 2 years later to the day we got married and that friend was his best man at our wedding.
  12. We have just started the dreaded church search here and it depresses me. We spent the whole three years we were in Maine looking for a church and never found one that was home to us. I just wanted you to know you aren't alone :grouphug:
  13. Thanks everyone. We did have a good time and the movie gave us alot to think about.
  14. We are going to see Expelled tonight. I am looking forward to seeing this and the night out with NO kids! :D
  15. Will LA have DVD's like LFC?
  16. http://www.fatfreevegan.com/beans2/1105.shtml Black Bean Sloppy Joes Adapted slightly from the McDougal Quick & Easy Cookbook 1 onion, chopped 1 green pepper, diced 1/3 cup water 1 15-ounce can black beans, drained & rinsed 1 8-ounce can tomato sauce 1/4 cup quick-cooking oatmeal 1 T soy sauce 1/2 T yellow mustard 1 t vegan sugar or agave nectar 1 t chili powder Place onion & pepper in saucepan with water. Cook, stirring frequently until the vegetables soften, about 5 minutes. Mash beans with a bean or potato masher (do not use a food processor). Add the beans and remaining ingredients into the saucepan and cook over low heat until heated through, about 5 minutes. Serve on buns.
  17. Before I had kids, I was a kid :D . I got married two months after highschool and my oldest DD was born 16 months later.
  18. You aren't wrong to feel that way and I'd be upset if my DH chose to go. However, I would also do just fine without my DH there. He missed the last baby's birth even though he was at home with me. He had left the room and baby decided to make his entrance. I am betting your body will either have the baby this weekend or wait till he is home and things are settled though. I really believe things like this can keep us from going into labor and when things are "right" it will heppen. Kwim? Hoping you have your baby this weekend! :)
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