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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My son did a year of mandarin at a charter school and we looked into doing it at home using http://www.chinasoft.com.au/nihao.html. I think this program looks really good, but I would probably still get a tutor.
  2. Anyone have experience with this? Does it teach them to spell using spelling rules? I'd love to hear your review :D
  3. and they smell sooo yummy! It was nice to walk in from co-op classes and know dinner is ready. Thanks again for the recipe! :)
  4. I crave ice cream, chips, chocolate, candy... but I usually have fruit and a cup of tea LOL
  5. If I was limited in what I could buy I would purchase english and math books and then use my library card for the rest.
  6. Thank you everyone! You have given me a lot to think on and I appreciate the discusiion and the recommended links.
  7. Thank you! That sounds like a wonderful plan and I will get o use both products! :D
  8. This is what we always felt, I just didn't know that it WAS wv lol, but then the word keeps poping up and books, websites, curriculums , classes etc and I was wondering if I was doing it all wrong.
  9. Thank you both. I know he has been really "off" as we increase his meds so that might be a big part of it.
  10. How silly. The Senate needs to wory @ more important matters like the price of oil and corn, wheat etc.
  11. I love/hate swr too and dropped it this spring. My older kids are going to be using Rod & Staff and my 3rd grader will use bartons.
  12. Let him go without a diaper if you can and for a cream I like Bag Balm or Boudreaux Butt Paste.
  13. Thanks again, I appreciate the links. I am going to read through them later when the kids are in bed.
  14. The professor at my son's speeech clinic talked to me today about my son's memory, which we had been wondering if he had issues. She does think this is a big part of why he can't read, but she didn't really have a clear answer as to what we can do to help. She wants to see how he does with continued reading help and his VT, but I am wondering if there is something I should or could be doing now to help him. I think he has all around memory issues, not just auditory but I don't know what you even call that and I don't know how to deal with it. Any suggestions.
  15. I don't have a how too, but I am leaning towards IEW's Ancient Hisotry based Lesson Plans with TOG'sd WA. I am thinking of doing both, as seperate classes, but I don't know how well that will work. Hoping someone with experience answers. :)
  16. Oh, that would be cool. Can you post the link?
  17. Thanks! I am going to thy this tomorrow in the crock while we are at co-op. Sounds yummy!
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