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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Gosh, pre-DH and kids I was sooo young. I wasn't raised a chrisitan and lived a very non-christian life. I made a lot of mistakes as a teen, but alot of stuff happened that makes me the person I am today, if that makes sense? I never wanted to get maried or have kids, yet I got married at 18 ( met DH at 16) Today I am strong and independent. I love being a mother and couldn't imagine having chosen a different path.
  2. How many tea bags do you use for 1 gallon of tea? How much sugar? I remember someone once said to put the sugar in with boiling water and the tea bags or something like that? Thanks!
  3. I am lucky that none of us have allergies and feel for those of you who do. I'd love to have you all come on over :D
  4. They don't like pure powder, but half and half they tolerate it LOL. I refuse to pay $3.50+ for a gallon of milk. How much milk does it take to make a pound of cheese? How much time does it take?
  5. I wonder if you could sit in on one of the classes that's going on right now? It might give you a better idea of what exactly the classes are about.
  6. I did work there for a few months, my son has been working there for 9 months and my DH works there too, so I am a bit biased. When I worked there, pre-DH working there, they were very strict about the hours I worked. I was not allowed to clock in sooner than 5 minutes before a shift or 5 minutes after. We had to take breaks at the scheduled time. If we were off the clock and a manager or co-worker needed something, we had to reclock in and talk to them or whatever. I was hired to work 30 hours a week and was only scheduled for 30 hours a week and only worked during the hours I said I was available. My son has had similar experiences and has never had to work a day/time he isn't scheduled for nor more hours than he was hired for. From what I understand( from another anti-walmart post), WM had trouble with forced OT and there were lawsuits? I think this was years ago and they have sinced change policy according to that. As far as treating workers nicely I never had any issues and my manager was extremely nice. DS's managers are very nice too.
  7. To answer my own question LOL we are using a lot less meats, dairy and fruits. I was cooking vegetarian a few times a week for health, but we are considering going full time for health, but cost is a definite plus too. I had started buying alot of our baked goods but went back to cooking from scratch or not eating certain things like bagels, which my kids love. We are eating more oatmeal instead. We have been mixing whole milk with powder 50/50 and using the powder in baking, which we have always done, but now I am more stict with it.
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/wayoflife/04/11/economy.food.shopping.ap/index.html One thing that shocked me was this bit: "Nationwide, a family of four on a moderate-cost shopping plan now spends an average of $904 each month for groceries, an $80 increase from two years ago, according to the USDA." That's a lot more than I spend for 3 times the people. It's an interesting article though and it makes me wonder if things are going to get worse before they get better. I am curious what changes have you made in your diets because of the food prices?
  9. It depends on the books, but I tend to buy books with the idea that I will reuse them withthe rest of the upcoming kids.
  10. Can you explain what you mean? I haven't heard this before.
  11. LOL! I do, or should say did, love twinkies, but I haven't had one in years. :D
  12. My younger boys are enrolled in a class through our home school co-op right now and while it's fun, I agree that it's not worth the money they are charging imho.
  13. I was talking from a pure calorie viewpoint. Not taking into acocunt how you would feel etc. Just calorie per calorie, would you lose weight.
  14. LOL. I would fall apart on the twinkie diet, but it's nice to dream :D
  15. I appreciate the replies. I do feel eating lean protien, whole grains, high fiber is the best way for ME to lose, but was curious as to the science behind it .
  16. This is what I was hoping to get at. If calories are calories, then what else is involved in weight loss. You need that 3500 deficit and if you eat 500/day less, you SHOULD lose according to everything I have read on it.
  17. I just came across this on another board I visit: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/7284196.stm
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