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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I got stopped a while before we left Maine last year. There is this stretch of Route 1 from Bangor to Caribou that is long( 180 miles I think), straight and hardly any traffic so its easy to over do it. They had a speed trap set up at the end with 5 state police officers and I got caught :001_huh: I didn't have my insurance card on me either so I got a ticket for that too ( which I didn't have to pay when I mailed inthe copy of the card). SO, I tend to drive a wee bit slower now LOL.
  2. I get the same way with every pregnancy. Nothing helps except delivering lol. :grouphug:
  3. These sound really good! Thanks for the recipe, I hope to try them tomorrow night :)
  4. Thanks, Chris. I am going to think and pray @ it and decide. I really DO like the looks of LiCT.
  5. Thank you for the info. I looked at the samples of LA and I think LiCT teacher's books explaisn things better, but it's hard to tell from just a few samples. I wish I could see them both LOL. I posted on the HS thread that we might do LFC A and maybe B then either LA or LiCT. I keep going to back to LiCT though so maybe that is what I should do.
  6. Thank you everyone. I was looking at LFC and have gone back and forth over using it. I guess we could do that for a year or two then either LA or then move into LiCT. I looked briefly at the samples from LA and it looks like LiCT explains things better? I need a lot of hand holding LOL.
  7. I think a lot of it stems from DH and I both being very independent and strong willed. I had my first job at 12 and worked right through highschool. During my junior and senior years I held two jobs. Both Dh and I moved out of our houses at 16 ( me) and 17(dh) and I was married at 18 and a mother by the time I was 20. DH and I talked last night and I am going to work on schedules for the kids and then we are going to have a family talk. I am going to let them know that I am not reminding them to eat, breath, do school, etc from now on. And I am going to give them consequences and stick with it. This is going to be VERY hard for me to do, but it's in their best interest to do so. I will be here to help if asked, but I wont do it for them anymore.
  8. I would allow them to be there if that's what they want. I'd probably get a few discreet videos of births for them to watch before hand. You could have ds be at your head and he could still be part of it, but not see too much kwim? Congratulations!
  9. We had to change the date to May 17th. We will still be meeting at 11 AM in NW AR ( PM me or Jackie for location). Bring a picnic lunch and meet other WTM familes! We hope to see you there! :grouphug:
  10. :grouphug: I understand! You must be frustrated and I hope you can get some answers at the neuro. I sent you an email.
  11. Thanks, that does help some. I am thinking if we took it slow he might do well. Maybe do volume I over a year instead of half a year. I wonder if this would be too slow?
  12. We did half of LC I, but it just wasn't the right for us. I am thinking of doing just volume I of LiCT next year, then volume II the following and then move onto a book a year after that. Do you think using just vol I over one year would be too slow?
  13. Could this be used with a 5th grader ( with a 7th and 8th grader). Thanks!
  14. Could this be used with a bright 5th grader or should I wait until he is older? I am searching for something my 5th, 7th and 8th graders can do together.
  15. Thanks, that is on my list, just checking all options before buying.
  16. Well I need to pray about it and make some sort of plan to get tough with them. I know I need to sit down and have a talk with them all and explain what I am going to and not going to be doing. Pray for me as we transition into this. It's not going to be fun.
  17. Thanks. I thought I had heard negative things @ it, but I couldn't remember what. I will keep looking for something and will check out Roberts.
  18. I guess the hardest would be letting them fail? I say I wont do XYZ and then when they don't do it, I jump in and save the day. Do I really not send in their college application or file their taxes? I know it's the right thing to do, but the mom in me is screaming at the thought!
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