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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. A typical menu here: Breakfast: DH and I: Oatmeal with raisins, walnuts and OJ Kids usually have an egg or two , toast or eng muffin or oatmeal and bananas( we go through tons of bananasd lol) Lunch: DH: Left over dinner brought to work Me: Brown rice or a whole grain wrap and beans/lentils, veggies Kids: homemade soup left overs ocassionally tuna or grilled cheese, carrots or celery with ranch dip PM Snack: Me: tea and toast Kids: my 13 yo usually bakes something or if we have fruit they have that Dinner: Beans, rice, veggie of some sort 2 nights a week I serve chicken or beef to DH and the kids, usually some sort of casserole or shredded chicken with salsa or BBQ sauce in the crock pot with brown rice
  2. I'd like to go through our Bible chronological and I want to read a passage from our Bible and them some questions to study the section we just read. I want something we can do together as a famliy that wont be too simple for my highschoolers yet not over the head of my elementary ages kids either. Is there something like this out there?
  3. I have read that $25 a week per person is a good figure, although we don't spend that much.
  4. My absolute favorite cloth diaper is Fuzzi Bunz. I have tried an assortment and when we have another baby, I will only use FB :D
  5. Oh, I understand! My oldest is 19 and I still have her papers from pre-school LOL. One of these days I will have to purge too.
  6. Thanks for posting this! This is only 2 hours from us and I am going to show my teens the web site. Maybe we can take a tour in April.
  7. We almost never use shortening and use butter instead and we havenever had anything turn out bad. Pie crust is the only thing I can think of that we would use shortening, but I am going to try butter next time like the other poster said.
  8. Jumping in here to ask @ HWT, which is what I am using with my 8 yo. Should I buy the wood peices and other materials or are just the workbooks ( What I am now doing) enough? Thanks!
  9. Thanks Ginger. I do think I am going to move him into 3rd. I am not so worried @ testing now that I have read afew post on how my state uses the results. I did speak with the professor at the university where he is in speech and he is going to have other testing there and she said she will do what she can as far as helping me have special help for his test, which would be wonderful. We are using homesat next year too and he will be doing math and science. I am using barton's for his reading, which we start this week coming.
  10. My oldest was accepted to a college in the North East that would have cost her roughly $30K a year after grants, but she chose to attend the University here for @ $10K a year and with grants I think she has @ $7K in loans for this year I think, I don't know the exact total. My next to graduate this year chose the same school as my oldest for the same reason and my soon to be 12th grader has decided to get his AS at the community college in town and then, when he is a junior, transfer to the same university the other kids are attending. The total for his BS should be @ 20K. My oldest was in pre-vet, next is going into engineering and the soon to be 12th grader into criminal justice.
  11. I just grabbed some of these today for the first time. I don't mind some books like this for just fun and the kids love them.
  12. We stuck them in the fridge until we needed them again. I knew they were wrapped safely ( zip locks) so no germs.
  13. We bought bough tmy DD's from a Christian Bookstore. Do you have one nearby? I think CBD carries them too.
  14. I think your response was right on. I have 7 boys and none would dare speak to an adult that way and I wouldn't allow it, period. Now, to each other is another thing LOL :D
  15. I know we are spread out, but I was wondering if you wanted to get together? I don't know where we can meet, but somewhere middle of the road for everyone. I think I am 3 hours from Little Rock? Maybe the end of April/beginning of May before it gets too hot LOL. What do you think?
  16. I wish I knew! Lately I have beenne so busy that I feel like we are getting zero done.
  17. Both. Thank you everyone for the info and links. I need to spend some time reading more. I appreciate everyone's response.
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