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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. There is a health food store in my town that has a cafe, which I love and even my husband likes the food, which is amazing LOL.
  2. Thank you, Tina. I will have to look at the Epilepsy Foundation site. I am sorry things are not going easy for you and her. I will be praying you can find an answer soon and that her seizures will get under control. Thank you for sharing. It is very stressfull and I am trying to not get ahead of myself or panic too much. The hardest is waiting for results. I want an answer TODAY, kwim? Then there is the watching his every move wondering if he is going to have another seizure, yet trying to act normal so he doesn't get scared. I am sure someday this will all be routine to us but for now it's crazy.
  3. We chose Barton's because I wanted the DVD instruction and felt the scripting would be a benefit to me. Also, I had a few questions and called Susan ( and was put right through to her, no waiting) and she spent 30 minutes on the phone with me! She told me to call or email anytime. That alone, is worth the money to me!
  4. He states carbs, but I don't agree that ALL carbs act this way. Yes, if you are eating twinkies and ice cream, you are going to have trouble. Whole grains and a high fiber diet do not have the same effect as twinkes LOL. I do feel fat plays a big role in the obesity epidemic and do not agree with SB and especially atkins for this reason. I am thrilled if it works for you though.( You being anyone who is on one of these diets- I tried SB). Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  5. I don't use it yet, but we are going to in the fall, for the same reasons you listed. I am really looking forwardd to using BJU! I hope someone who is using it can answer your questions.
  6. I am curious as to what you believe is the cause of obesity or heart problems? Thanks! :)
  7. I didn't use cloth to just save money, although that was a plus, I did it because I don't like the gel and ick of disposables. I prefer the cloth.
  8. I don't have any advice, but just wanted to give you a cyber hug. You sound tired and stressed. :grouphug: I am sorry :-(
  9. Im wondering if I should have my son evaluated by an OT. I never considered it until reading the last few post here. I don't know where to begin to look. Thanks!
  10. My absolute favorites are Fuzzi Bunz! We have used prefolds, pins and rubber pants, Bummis, Kushies, Mother Ease, WAH diapers and a few others. Fuzzi Bunz are the best. We used them 24/7 and never once had a blow out.
  11. I used cloth off and on for the last 19 years LOL. With my last 2 babies I bought this thing that attached to the toilet water thing and it was a hand held sprayer for those really messie ones. Otherwise I just flipped it out of the diapers and tossed the diaper into a pail of water-no bleach or vinegar. Then wash with hot water and again no bleach. I would use a tiny amount vinegar in the rise cycle every few washes. I love cloth diapered baby butts! :D
  12. Thanks Pam and Christina , I know it's going to be give and take. We do the best we can and that's all we can do.
  13. Wonderful news! We will continue to pray for him and you all. :grouphug:
  14. OK, thanks. I do think the kids would like playing them so we will try it. Thanks for the link too, it will save me some money!
  15. I know we discussed this, but $50 is a lot of $. Are these games worth it? Do you all play them together as a family? Are they fun? Do they work? LOL I get nervous spending $, talk me into it :D My cart is ready and waiting for checkout.
  16. I have always cooked it first, never thought to try it otherwise. I love spinach and onion on pizza. Yummmm.
  17. I think you have to be a member of HSLDA to bid though.
  18. Thank you. If we do go this route, I will plan to get TWSS too.
  19. Do you have a link to a site with more information? Thanks!
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