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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Cynthia, Thank you for explaining and the encouragement. I wish you the best with you son too and thank you for sharing.
  2. I think you only need a passport to fly into Canada until next year, but I am not 100% sure on that. When we moved to AR last May we only needed birth certificicates and they didn't even look at them.
  3. I have been a SAHM for 19 years and have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. My baby is only 3 so I have a while to think about it.
  4. Wow, that is unreal! I hope you can file a complaint with someone.
  5. My son will be starting VT at the end of this month and he is in ST already. I just ordered Barton's for reading and should be starting that in a week. I also bought the Sound Reading CD and am thinking of Earobics(after his audio eval next week) and someday, something like Audiblox if needed. What I don't know is what order to do things. It seems like a lot and I don't want to overwhelm him. I have no idea how often these things should be done either. Is there something else that I am missing that might benefit him? I know I wont have a full picture until we see the neuro on the 24th and even then we probably wont have any answers for a while. I just don't want to do nothing in the meantime.
  6. OhElizabeth, do I need both books-the Activities for AL Abacus and the Worksheets for the AL Abacus?
  7. Thank you so much! I didn't know @ the supplemental workbooks from BJU! I am going to look at them, but I am thinking I might do what you suggest and use Spread Your Wings with AfA over the summer and then in the fall use BJU with the review workbooks, using the Al Abacus as help. I really like that plan and I would still get to use BJU.
  8. Just melt some cheese and serve with some broccoli or other veggies kids like. Nice and simple.
  9. Me: highschool diploma 2 years of college credits in Early Childhood Ed( Quit college and closed my daycare to homeschool 7.5 years ago) have owned my own business twice-daycare and currently a cleaning business conservatinve christian, but I don't wear jumpers and am most comfortable in jeans and a T shirt :) We have 10 children and trust the Lord to decide our family size DH: was a construction worker when we met and married, then decided at the age of 32 and with 6 kids to go to college full time and become a software programmer owned 2 businesses- concrete footing company & Computer repairs conservatinve christian enjoys watching pro-wresting We are rather boring.
  10. And not all conservative christians wear denim jumpers :lol:
  11. He has an eeg and mri on Monday the 17th and we see the neuro on the 24th. The eeg and mri will be up here, but the neuro is in FS.
  12. Having the video is a big plus for me too and one reason why I prefer MUS over the other two.
  13. I am going to be using BJU math and homesat for all the kids and was planning that for my soon to be 3rd grader too. He has some learning issues and we are in the process of having him evaluated to find out exactly what is going on. I do think he is dyslexic, but I am not sure what else right now. He has been using Abeka math and is almost finished their book 2. He can do the work, with my help, but he doesn't have his math facts down and he uses his fingers. They have him doing beginning miltiplication and division and he gets the concept, but he needds help doing the actual math. So, I am either going to switch to BJU with him and use manipulatives, which I think would really help, or switch program types completely to one of the three I asked about. The Activities for the ALAbacus book is extra help type stuff? I wonder if we worked through that over the summer if it would help? I am also thinking of buying their math games kit.
  14. He is doing really good. Poor thing doesn't remember a thing from that night except the ambulance showing up onward. We explained what happened and what is going to happen and he seems OK with it and hasn't really said much. Thank you for asking!
  15. So many choices LOL. If you use one of these, which one did you choose and why? And why didn't you choose the others? Thanks! :001_smile:
  16. Thank you for your post. It's all over-whelming right now and I need time to digest it. May I ask what NLD is?
  17. I am on the fence with math programs for my 8 yo, but I know he needs math facts help so I was thinking of the Math Card Games Kit for him and also using the AL Abacus when we are doing his regular math, what ever that might be.
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