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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thank you. I am going to order the books tomorrow. I have been using CLP Phonics readers, but I think it's time to step back a bit. I was thinking about the syllable stuff above and realise I have been teaching him syllables with SWR, but not how to tell if it's open, closed etc ( I need to learn this myself :o ) which explains exactly why he doesn't know when to use a long or short sound. It makes perfect sense now. Now to figure what best route to remedy this. Thanks again, both of you!
  2. Thanks Claire, that was helpful! I am wondering if maybe he should be in ABeCedarian short level A, which wouldn't have all the penmanhip pages and looks like it would move faster. I need to join the yahoo group. As far as tutoring I don't have the funds right now, but I am hoping the teacher will be able to work with me in using whatever we choose. That is my goal. Again, thank you!
  3. I, too, think you aren't eating enough. I have lost 84 pounds in the last 12 months by eating a high fiber, low fat diet with @ 1400-1600 calories a day, although I don't really worry @ calories. I eat lots of whole grains, fruits, veggies and I was eating lean protein. I am now vegan and eat a few servings of beans per day instead. I cut out sugar, white anything and all junk food. I eat breads, bagels, wraps etc, but I make sure they are whole grain. You need good fats so make sure to get some throughout the day also. I do excersise daily, so maybe increase to 5 days per week. Best wishes!
  4. What "Sound-to-sight" program would you recommend for teaching reading? If I read one of your old post right, SWR is sight to sound? I do have Abcdarian level A-1, but it just moves so slow my son was bored. He knows most of the phonograms and can sound out 3-4 letter words, but he gets stuck on read verses read or when he comes to a word like cake, he doesn't know the a is long unless I tell him. I will remind him of the rule that e makes the a say its long name, but he can't do that on his own. This is why he failed the reading test she gave him during the eval. I am going to sound like an idiot here, but I have no idea what this means( I know what a syllabnle is, but closed and open sounds ? Im lost lol): "A syllable is a unit of oral or written language with one vowel sound. Instruction must include the teaching of the six basic types of syllables in the English Language: closed, vowel-consonant-e, open, consonant-le, r-controlled, and diphthong. Syllable division rules must be directly taught in relation to the word structure." During the eval the professor said he would do well with a structured Orton-Gillingham program that teaches the above, among other things. I am using SWR, but I don't think I am doing the above. They are going to work with me to help me teach him, but is SWR the right program for him? Edited to add: I found this, but I am still clueless if this is good or not http://www.wilsonlanguage.com/store/item.aspx?id=47601e9d-d25b-dc11-be3c-0003ff30d5ff Thanks.
  5. Same here. The kids were excited but I am looking forward to the melting. :D
  6. Has anyone used this? http://www.characterbuildingforfamilies.com/index.html Pros/cons? Thanks!
  7. 12th: BJU pre-calc Apologia Advanced Chemistry Writing at the CC Literature-assigned various books Intro to Criminal Justice at the CC SOS Spanish II 10th: Saxon Algebra II BJU Chemistry IEW SWI C BJU Writing & Grammar 10 Notgrass Exploring World History & Literature SOS SPanish II Henle II CAP 8th: BJU Pre-Algebra BJU Earth & Space Science BJU Writing & Grammar 8 & TOG writing Apples Daily Spelling II TOG Year 1 redesign & literature Latina Christiana II Elementary Greek I The Thinking Toolbox Atelier Art 6 Piano CAP Theater 7th: BJU Pre-Algebra BJU Life Science BJU Writing & Grammar 7 & TOG writing SWR TOG Year 1 redesign & literature Latina Christiana II Elementary Greek I The Fallacy Detective Atelier Art 6 Music Ace CAP 5th: BJU Math 5 BJU Science 5 BJU English 5 & TOG writing SWR TOG Year 1 redesign & literature Latina Christiana II Elementary Greek I Mind Benders Atelier Art 6 Music Ace 3rd: BJU Math 3 BJU Science 3 BJU English 2 ETC 2 & 3 SWB's Writing With Ease SWR-Maybe BJU Phonics/reading/spelling 1 and not english 2 TOG Year 1 redesign & literature Atelier Art 6 Music Ace K: BJU K5 Beginnings BJU K5 math 3 yo: BJU K4 just watching for fun Preschool activites boxes I am going to make up for school time I am looking for something we can do as a family for Bible, other than just reading the Bible. Any recommendations?
  8. I add ground flax to oatmeal and smoothies as a source of good fats.
  9. Oatmeal, walnuts, apple or raisins and some maple syrup. Sometimes I will leave out the walnuts and have half an avocado.
  10. I don't have my kids do their own laudry as it wouldn't work, but they do the family's laundry. I rotate them so they each do laundry a different day. We do 4-5 loads per day, 7 days a week.
  11. fresh: potatoes carrots celery onions green peppers red, yellow, orange peppers tomatoes spinach lettuce cucumbers apples pears plums bananas avocados an assortment of dry beans Frozen: assortment of mixed veggies strawberries blueberries bananas 2 jugs OJ few cans of beans ( Black, chick peas, navy) few cans of veggies 3 big cans pumpkin Raisins Craisins dried pineapple
  12. My 4 year old asked me this today LOL. I turn and she is standing at the wall map of the World and wanted me to show her. I told her he lives above the world, so she pointed to Greenland LOL! Guess this is a start in the right direction. A few months ago she thought Jesus was our pastor.
  13. Oh, I wish I lived in NH still. I would take you up on this. Anyone n Arkansas want to be well stocked in cinnamon rolls? My kids could use math and writing tutors :)
  14. Oh, chicken or veggie broth would be wonderful! I am going to try that next time. Thanks for the tips everyone!
  15. I just wanted to say thank you to each and everyone of you! I am really touched by your repsonses and am very relieved to hear I am not alone in this struggle! Yes, Kelli, onward we go.
  16. There is a post right now on the highschool board about how people have turned away from rigourous classical education http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9772 and it kind of hit home with me. Ever since, well even before, the thread on what level of education everyone has I have been feeling inadequate to teach my children this way. I only have a high school diploma and I probably don't deserve it. There are times when I don't have a clue what some of you are talking about. Times where the language you all use is beyond me. My writing is weak and I would love to be able to put thoughts on paper like some of you ladies ( and men). How can I possible teach them latin, greek, the classics, trig, to think and write well? Do you ever feel like maybe you should just use a curriculum in a box and call it enough? Atleast then I know the basics would be covered.
  17. I have some couscous, but no directions on how to cook it. HELP lol.
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