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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I ended up getting some composition notebooks today and I am going to give them a word a day from this site: http://www.satvocab.com/ and we can review on Fridays. For next year I am thinking of the critical Thinking Software. My kids really like the computer so I think that will be a good fit. Thanks for the help! :D
  2. Thank you for asking! I am feeling great now. No pain at all.
  3. My 13 yo is tiny and was very tiny when she started and she uses Always in the pink wrappers.
  4. I will admit that we use fake syrup here. I use 1 cup water to 2 cups sugar ( 1 brown and 1 white) and then a tbsp maple flavoring.
  5. After 4 hours someone from the company rescued him and he was able to find a store and bought a new charger for his phone. We didn't mind buying another, it was the fact he had no phone, no car and no place to go or stay LOL.
  6. My DH had to travel for work last week with a group of people from his office and everything went fine. He left today for Florida and is the only one from this area going. He is at the airport and there is no car reserved, no hotel and no one showed up to meet him. He called the emergency travel # and no one has a clue as to him being there ( There were tickets at the airport counter waiting for him this morning). And to top it off I have his cell phone charger sitting on my desk LOL.
  7. Thanks everyone. I called the clinic here who suggested I bring her into my primary tomorrow unless she has another episode today. My primary doesn't have on call serives, just the clinic I called. I will have her seen tomorow and hopefully have an answer. I am really thinking it's low blood sugar or BP.
  8. My 13, who I posted about before, fainted today. I was blow drying her hair and she fainted in my arms. She sat on the toilet for a few and semed Ok. So she stood again and next thing I knew she was on the floor. I let her lay there a few and helped her up and sat her on the toilet. A minute or two later she went out again. She was pale and sweaty. I asked her after and she had eaten a bagel and cream cheese, but hadn't drank anything. I am assuming she is having BP issues. I know she needs to see a Dr, but do I want til morning or hear to ER now.
  9. I used TOG a few years back and used the library, but I didn't like not having the exact book recomemnded and I am not good at pulling stuff together, so this time around I bought all the books. I figure we will go through each level a few more times so it is worth it to me.
  10. I am not Amy or Tracy, but my first two were 14 months apart and then the next came 17 months later and so on LOL. Best advice is to let people help if they offer. Don't be shy LOL. Let the house slide or better yet hire a mother's helper or a cleaning lady for a few weeks. There will be plenty of time to scrub the house when the baby is on a schedule of some sort.
  11. DD loves it! She had been asking for a while, so when the hair dresser made the first cut, dd cried a bit. The poor hair dresser thought it was sad tears, but dd was happy! LOL
  12. I am planning on using TOG this year and will have 3 levels, but HSing 7 kids. To help my sanity I am going to use BJU homesat for math, science and english. This will free up much needed time so I can concentrate on TOG, latin, greek and other stuff I never have time to do.
  13. and she had 17 inches cut off her hair! :eek: She donated it to locks of love which was neat. My poor DH, I didn't warn him first and so he got teary eyed when she walked in. I am going to do a before/aftr pic later.
  14. We are in the same state I believe and I filed on the 1st and haven't seen my state yet. I hope it shows soon!
  15. Beef pot pie would be our first choice. You could also shred it and toss on some BBQ sauce and make sandwhiches.
  16. That's what I am doing too. I have never had a large chunk of money to buy books and I am giddy LOL. We are paying off some bills and getting some much needed things. I wouldn't have filled early if we hadn't been expecting a refund. I hate doing taxes :-D
  17. Who else is expecting a check tomorrow? I can't wait till the morning! :D
  18. I am cleaning the house because DH gets home today after being gone since Sunday.
  19. I think it also depends on income. We don't have a large income and we have our withholdings at 15 and there is almost 0 federal taken out of DH's check, but we qualify 8 of our children for the tax credits. We end up getting a large check.
  20. I think they would really enjoy a game or software! Thanks for the links!
  21. They are grades 9, 7, 6 and 4. I am not sure on the test but I think it's the CAT? I like the idea of making a vocab notebook and think i will add that next week.
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