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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. How many pieces or stories does this book include? Do you feel if you used just this book and didn't add longer works, would it still be a full course? I am sure I will have more questions! :)
  2. Has anyone used this? I'd love to hear a review of how this is working for your family.
  3. We don't need one, but I am ordering my son his diploma and I want one printed on it. We had one when my DD graduated last year, but I don't know if I like it and want something different.
  4. We don't need a name as a state requirement, but I am trying to order a diploma for my 18 yo and want to personalize it.
  5. Cross post from the curriculum board. Would you please mind sharing your homeschool name. Thanks! :)
  6. I know this has been discussed before, but could you please post your school name. Thanks!
  7. Another vote for Britax. My 3 yo is in the marathon and he has plenty of room to grow.
  8. I know about Smarr and LL, but what other programs are there? This is for my upcoming 12th grader who loves to read and can pour through a stack of books in no time if I allowed him unlimited reading time :) Thanks!
  9. Try www.fatfreevegan.com for tons of recipes.
  10. My DH decided to change careers at age 32 from construction to computers. :D We had 6 kids and I was just a few weeks pregnant at the time. He enrolled full time days and because we had no savings and no money, I tried working outside the home, but that just didn't work for long ( we made it 3 months lol). I opened a daycare instead and DH ended up delivering papers at night. It was very hard work but it was worth every minute and dime spent. Good luck!
  11. Hmmm I guess I could do some of each. I am an all or nothing type of person so it's hard to not just dive in. Thanks for the replies!
  12. If you want her to able to do it on her own then I would say Apologia would be a better choice. However, we are switching from Apologia to BJU and are using homesat.
  13. I like the looks of Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons and think it would be easier to be able to teach my 8th, 7th and 5th graders together using one curriculum. However, I have TOG's WA and planned on using that. The downside would be that I will have to teach each one seperately for writing. I like BOTH though and was wondering if I used both would it be too much? What do you think??? :001_smile:
  14. Anyone know if there are samples online for this and where they might be? I can't find them onthe IEW site. Also, what grades/ages would this be for? And lastly, do I need the TWSS to teach this? Thanks! :)
  15. I'd love built in bookshelves and a deep closet with lots of shelves. I prefer a table to desk for the younger kids, but once they hit the upper grades they prefer a desk.
  16. I didn't see Latin in the Christian Trivium mentioned and I wondered how it would compare to some of the other programs mentioned. Is it a parts to whole type program? ( I hope I said that right lol). Thanks!
  17. Thanks, Pam and Darcy. I am going to see @ some type of eval when we see the neuro on Monday (24th) and I hope we can get referals through them. If not, I see the ST on the 26th and will try that route.
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