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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I forgot about this until today. When my 8 yo was at the neuro, the nurse was checking him in and asking him questions. She asked him what school he goes too. My son hesitates and I can tell he is really thinking. I am beginning to worry because he can't remember he is homeschooled? After a few minutes he says The University of Arkansas, which is where he goes for speech. The nurse looks at me and raises an eye brow LOL. Instead of telling her he is a prodigy :) , I explained he goes there for speech. You probably had to be there but we all got a laugh out of it.
  2. Has anyone used this? How easy is it this to teach for a non lit mom? Does the student read whole books? Any other comments ? Thanks!
  3. I had to stop watching Flip That House and House Hunters because I got a spirit of envy. I ended up wanting new this and new that and not being content with what I have, kwim? Maybe someday I can watch them again, but for now I don't need it in my head.
  4. Hmm a good day? Everyone healthy, I didn't have to GO anywhere, kids got all the day's school done and the house is still in 1 piece.
  5. The only thing I own that means much to me is my computer, but even that can be replaced. I would be upset if it got ruined, but it wouldn't be devastating. I don't really have anything nice and worth value ( That sounds awful lol) The only thing that really matters to me are my kids and DH. Ok editing this to add the kids pictures and buckets of school papers I have saved.
  6. It has come to my realization that my kids depend on me too much. I think a lot of it has come from my controlling personality and I know I need to stop DOING for them and work on my personality flaw. In the meantime my older kids (and DH) are lost without me doing everything for them; from making a simple desicion to applying for college etc. I know someone is going to say just don't do stuff for any of them LOL, but then I will have a house full of adults with no education and who can't decide what time they should leave for work each day :D So, how do I teach them independence? How do I undo the damage that is done? Thanks!
  7. Yes, and most post don't open for me. It took 15 minutes just to be able to reply to this one.
  8. Well by my signature you can see I have adult children down to preschoolers LOL. We didn't plan for any of them, just allowed God to decide for us. It can be a challenge to give each of them one on one, but it c an be done. It just takes work.
  9. I will load it and use it for a bit to get a feel for it. I believe there is braintrain and then brain-train, so 2 different things maybe? Either way I do plan to go ahead with LearningRx down the road.
  10. http://www.brain-train.com/Brain%20Train/brain1.htm?#BRAIN%20TRAIN®%20Volume%201:%20Basic%20Cognitive%20Skills#BRAIN%20TRAIN®%20Volume%201:%20Basic%20Cognitive%20Skills%20-%20English%20&%20Spanish%20Editions I was loaned a copy of this from my son's speech teacher. I don't think he is ready for it, but I am not sure if it's "good" or not. Also, he is going to be getting reading therapy along with the speech and we quaify for a grant, which is a HUGE blessing! I have a rough copy of the evaluation they did, but I wont have the offical copy for a few weeks so I don't really know how to read the results. I don't think they are going to do any reading help with him until we move forward with the VT, which wont start until I hear back from the OT this week. Slowly getting there.
  11. Thanks, Tami for the suggestions! I think we are going to learn alot and have fun :) Tutor, I did look at it briefly, but I was worried it would be too young for my teens. I think I can adapt R&S to fit everyone. I am curious, what age are you writing a science curriculum for? :D
  12. Thanks, I ended up ordering R&S Bible instead. I appreciate the help.
  13. OK, thanks for all the help! I just called and ordered the Rod & Staff 5 materials. I plan to use some games and do groups like Tami suggested.
  14. Excellent ideas! I do like the looks of R&S so this might be an option and not too expensive. BSG for each level and maps, timelines etc is over $150 for one year.
  15. I looked at the 4th and 5th grade materials from Positive Action for Christ and like those, but I wonder if my teens would be bored?
  16. Anyone here using this? How easy is this to use with multiple ages? Pros/cons? Thanks!
  17. Thanks, Beth! I have no idea what I want to use LOL. Anyone have experience with BSG for all ages? I wonder how that would work? It looks like 104 lessons, so I assume you do a lesson per day?
  18. Would R&S be able to be done orally and in a group? Im looking at samples online and I can't tell how feasible that would be.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to look into each of them.
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