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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Do you use a timeline? Book or wall? And what time line figures do you use, if you use a prepackaged set? We are going to be using year 1 this fall, if that matters. Thanks!
  2. I am planning on the S&E course for my 8th grade DD, but she hasn't had much formal science and I was wondering if this course might be too rigorous for her and if she would do better in the Life Science and then onto S&E in 9th. We are using homesat so that should help. Thanks!
  3. LOL thanks for laughing at me, err I mean with me. It wasn't terrible, but it was shocking and it took a few to get the stupid thing off as I tried to find the right buttons in my panic. Live and learn :D
  4. That's what we would have been paying if we were still in Maine, if not more. I am thankful we moved and don't have oil now. I feel for you!
  5. I agree that I think they will just keep going up. I feel for those of you who heat with oil. THis is the first time we don't and I can't imagine filling the tank every month!
  6. I used to budget between $1200-$1800, but this year it was really high because we switched curiculum completely. It should be high for a few years and then back down to a much lower amount. I spent @ $3500 this year.
  7. I second this. You can read about his plan for free at http://drmcdougall.com/ Here is a link to the free program http://drmcdougall.com/free.html
  8. Kamut grain.I have heard of this but never tried it. I will have to order a small bag next time and see if it's something we would like.
  9. I store them in 5 gallon buckets and gamma seals also. I have them stacked in a corner beside a freezer of my ugly kitchen LOL.
  10. I normally oder through Country Life which has a co-op in my area, but they are out of wheat. I placed this order through Morningside Organics, which also has a co-op in my area and they do have some wheat so I am stocking up!
  11. I ordered an insane amount of wheat incase of continued shortage LOL. I got hard red winter and soft white winter. I also bought nutritional yeast, regular yeast, steel cut oats, regular oats, whole wheat pizza crust( anyone have a recipe for wheat crust?), brown rice and seitan.
  12. We have never tested before, but had to this year due to our state law but I wouldn't test otherwise.
  13. It's been a while since I had to order and I can't remember if its soft winter berries I want for pastry flour? Thanks!
  14. That's what I heard, but was hoping it was't true LOL. :D
  15. I am using Rod & Staff, but we do it all orally. I like how it's small chunks and it has tons of review, which my ds needs.
  16. Thank you both. It is a lot to take in and I do think I am in shock still. My life has turned upside down and I feel guilty for feeling that way, kwim? I appreciate the encouragement and am glad to know I am heading in the right direction. I am going to call today and see if I can get on the fall schedule for the audio eval, can't hurt to try and I prefer to go through the university.
  17. I am so glad we only had to test reading comp and math! I wouldn't have liked 3 days of testing :glare:
  18. I was thinking of this option for next year and I am pretty sure the used the Iowa too, but I was told today that we can't test our own kids? I need to find out from the homeschool allience what is true for our state. I'd love to be able to test ourselves!
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