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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Sorry you can't make it, we will miss you being there! :sad:
  2. OK, MO and AR families, we will be meeting May 17th at 11 AM in NW AR. PM me or Jackie for details. Thanks!
  3. I ended up leaving church and taking my 3 yo home with me. I am realy in a cruddy mood. Dh has never helped out so that hasn't changed. We just have alot of committments that I can't do anything about. I have one house I clean every other week and I forgot to go Friday. They called at 4 PM did you forget to come today? OOPS. I think I am losing my mind.
  4. stuck with a busy life outside the house? I complained about living in Maine, yet I love that I didn't have to go anywhere, ever. I did errands once a week and other than my son's ST, that was it. We didn't even have a church, which stunk, but in a way it was kind of nice. I love being home and I used to joke that if I could shop from home that I'd never leave it. Since moving to Arkansas though my life has changed completely. I am out every day of the week and usually for hours at a time. School is done between mom running around. Even weekends are nuts where I go all day long. I left the house yesterday at 7:50 am and got home at 6 pm. I am thankful I'm not still working at the animal hospital as that was even worse. I can't do less because everything has to be done and DH can't take days off. My teens with licenses do help when they can, but it just works out that it all fals on me. So I guess I need a kick in the pants and need to suck it up, but all I want to do today is crawl in bed and hide. Vent over.
  5. Ohh, no I didn't. Thanks for letting me know. Jackie, should we move it to another date?
  6. Yes, we have! I am sick of scary weather already LOL. Glad to hear you are ok!
  7. This looks great! I was thinking of studying shakespeare with my 12th grader and I think this would be a wonderful resource for ME to help him!
  8. Thanks everyone. I am going to go on the 18th and see what happens. I wouldn't mind a small trial, but I really pray I don't have to sit for along drawn out thing.
  9. Were you guys near any of those tornadoes the other night? I hope you all are OK! I didn't see the news until last night and had no clue!
  10. Has she been to the new boards yet? I am wondering how the new baby is doing?
  11. I'd rather not go if I didn't have to! There is a form to fill out and it askes number of kids and their ages so maybe they will have sympathy on me? LOL. As long as I don't have to dress up it shouldn't be too bad.
  12. I have them organized by topic, but I need to do something more detailed for our TOG books. I haven't decided what yet, but I am thinking of dots or something to tell the levels/years apart.
  13. I don't remember ever stealing, but my oldest DD tried to steal this toy from a friends house once when she was 4-5? She had it in her hat and it was a bigger toy so it was obvious LOL.
  14. Lucky me has been chosen for jury duty. How often does one go to JD ? It says May, June, July and August? Please tell me it's like a once a week or month thing LOL. Also, what does one wear to JD? Can I wear my jeans? ( Please say yes lol)
  15. That's fantastic! I have heard good things @ vegan diet and MS and I hope you contime to see positive results.
  16. DH and I are having BBQ Seitan with lettuce/tomato on WW buns and baked sweet potato fries. The kids are having homemade pizza.
  17. That's fantastic! Hoping you get to go! and yes, I am jealous LOL
  18. I have never been to Disney and don't plan too LOL. I have never bungee jumped, sky dived or plan to either. I have never eaten oysters, but I have served them in a resteraunt.
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