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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Our children will be paying their own way through. We hope they get scholarships, but will be taking student loans to pay the remainder.
  2. Tracey, My older one usually work independently and at their own level even if more than one is usuaing the same materials. We did have 2 in the same math, but they didn't do it together. They just don't like to work together LOL. For the younger ones I do teach in groups for a few thigns like writing, latin, bible, history and vocab. My 7th and 6th graders are both in Saxon 7/6 and I teach that together too. For scheduling I plan time first thing for my highschoolers and we go over the days work, correct things or explain things they need help with. The younger ones are working independently during this and once I am done with the HSers I just rotate around helping the younger ones as needed. Then we have group time where we do the subjects in a group like latin etc.
  3. This does sound like gallbladder to me. When I have had an attack I get very sweaty and thus the chlls and I get shaky and light headed. I was told any fever and vomitting to get to ER asap. Most GB attacks are over in just a few hours, but I have had two that lasted days because a stone had gotten stuck somewhere. Are you jaundiced? You mentioned blood in the urine, which is what I was told the first ER visit I did, but it was actually very dark urine because of the jaunidce. So if your urine is dark and you are still in pain it very well could be a stuck stone. I hope you get relief soon!
  4. We have 10 and I aim for rigorous, but I don't know if I am the best to answer this question. We have been outsourcing some highschool classes and starting this coming year we will be using BJU homesat for a few subjects with all the kids. I am hoping this frees up some time for me to concentrate on other subjects.
  5. Thanks, thats what I was afraid of ( Not enough info). I do like SN, but wish there were answers to the essays. I forgot @ Omnibus; it might be a good fit for him.
  6. It will be a year in May and I still have some to go through. But to be fair to myself we moved twice within a week and I gave up LOL.
  7. Has anyone used this to help guide you through some lit books with your highschoolers? I need something that is going to hold MY hand as we read through some these books. Thanks!
  8. I am seriving angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream.
  9. BJU Pre-Algebra BJU Earth & Space Science BJU Writing & Grammar 8 & TOG writing Apples Daily Spelling II TOG Year 1 redesign & literature Latina Christiana II Elementary Greek I The Thinking Toolbox Atelier Art 6 Piano CAP Theater
  10. That's my other choice and I was trying to decide between comedies or Tragedies, or I guess get both guides and do a few from each. Or just do a full year of Shakespeare and not Windows on the World. I was also looking at Teaching the Classics....too many choices! LOL
  11. Thank you for sharing everyone! You all are so creative!
  12. Thank you, that was really nice and I needed that today!
  13. but we have the stomach bug :crying: Since yesterday 4 of the kids have been sick and my littlest has had explosive diapers-sorry TMI. And now, I am beginning to not feel so good. I have a ton of stuff on the agenda for tomorrow and I don't need this now. Pray it moves fast and that I can be on my feet early ( I am supposed to be out the door by 7:30am) and healthy.
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