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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My son has yahoo classic and I have the new beta version, I wonder if that's what the problem is?
  2. My son can log into his yahoo email fine. I tried my email account on his computer and it wont work. It's driving me nuts LOL.
  3. Could you please post ( or PM me) a sample menu of what your kids eat during a typical day? Thanks!
  4. Thanks, that's what's happening to me too. I got a virus yesterday and was worried it was still wrecking havoc LOL
  5. It was fine earlier this morning, but now I can't log into my mailbox. :confused:
  6. I wonder if BJU with no other wiritng course would be enough to prepare for college level writing? Anyone here use it all the way through? We are plannig on TOG with Writing Aids and BJU, but I am trying to decide if we need IEW or something else too for high school.
  7. Thank you, both. I will have a nutrimill. I was looking at a recipe that called for chick pea flour and had no clue how to do it.
  8. Can I grind dry chick peas to make chick pea flour or would I need to cook them first?
  9. My older kids have done a mix of things, but this is what my current 9th grader's will look like: 9th: Saxon Alg 1 Notgrass Exploring America Apologia Biology Rod & Staff English 8 Lit from Notgrass EA Henle II SOS Spanish I 10th: Saxon Alg II Notgrass Exploring World History BJU Chemistry BJU Writing & Grammar 10 Lit from Notgrass EWH IEW SWI C Henle III SOS Spanish II 11th: Saxon Advanced Math Notgrass Government BJU Physics ( or community college) BJU Writing & Grammar 11 BJU 11th Literature or some Lightening Lit IEW SWI CC Henle IV 12th: Community College-math of some sort lol Economics-probably BJU BJU Writing & grammar 12 BJU 12th Literature or some Lightening Lit IEW Advanced Communication Series The rest of my kids should follow this general schedule, unless I change my mind (again lol): 9th: BJU Algebra I BJU: Physical Science BJU Writing & Grammar 9 IEW SCI C ( maybe?) TOG-whatever year we are on Latin in the Christian Trivium I BJU Spanish I 10th: BJU Geometry BJU: Biology BJU Writing & Grammar 10 IEW SWI CC (maybe?) TOG-whatever year we are on Latin in the Christian Trivium II BJU Spanish II 11th: BJU: Algebra II BJU: Chemistry BJU Writing & Grammar 11 Advanced Communication Series(maybe?) TOG-whatever year we are on Latin in the Christian Trivium III BJU Spanish III BJU Government 12th: BJU: Pre-Calculus BJU: Physics ( or community college) BJU Writing & Grammar 12 TOG-whatever year we are on Latin in the Christian Trivium IV BJU Economics Comminuty College-electives, maybe just one each semester if they want to.
  10. He usually takes leftovers from dinner the night before.
  11. Praying for you. These last few days are so hard! I hope you can get some rest today.
  12. LOL I just made a batch yesterday and they came out great. I have done them before, but I was running low on time. I am making a committment to start a dedicated baking day. I used to do that years ago and don't know why I stopped.
  13. I just wanted to say thanks again! I have 10 pints of jam sitting on my counter! :)
  14. I am going to sound stupid, but how many tables spoons or a half cup etc? Thanks!
  15. I have a 1# bag of fruit pectin and I need to know how much would = 1 box for a recipe. I hit a great sale on strawberries! :D Thanks!
  16. I spent this morning baking up a storm! I made bagels, english muffins and a double batch of whole wheat bread. Now to not eat it all in one day :D
  17. Oh, my I am dying here! I never noticed my typo LOL! Where is the crawling under a rock smiley?
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