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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. and can compare it to the old version of RS? I feel the old version, as a stand alone program, was not worthy of a high school credit. My friend is thinking the new version will be and I am trying to figure out what is different that would make it credit worthy. Thanks!
  2. This is what I am wondering about. I really don't think he is dyslexic, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  3. Thanks again! He does like sci-fi and has been reading some Hardy Boys, which I know aren't classics but he is reading them lol. I am making a list of your suggestions and we will see what draws him.
  4. I am looking for book recommendations for my son who I wrote @ in the other thread. I am hoping to get some books on CD for him and also some books that might get him interested in reading. I am going to go ahead with testing this summer, but I also want to get him reading now. Thanks! Edited: he is 15 not 14. I am a moron LOL.
  5. We have 10 kids and I have never had outside help, we don't have famly that helps or even visits us LOL. My older kids are a huge blessing and help me out alot now though. Dh and I don't spend that much time alone, but we have started going on dates every now and then.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I am going to switch to BJU for history and lit with him and also look into having him tested for a learning disability as well as his vision.
  7. LOL. you will have to let me know what you think of it and give us a review.
  8. He was outside mowing the lawn and came it with a big bunch of flowers he picked for me. Isn't that sweet?! Of course he would die if he knew I posted @ it LOL:D
  9. LOL! Well, if you should change your mind...:lol:
  10. Woman who have never had C-sections have had ruptures too. The actual rupture rate is very low and is lower the less interventions you have.
  11. We are in the process of having our 8 yo diagnosed for dyslexia so I guess the possbility is there. My 14 yo reads well when he does, so I didn't think it fit him. I will have to give this more thought.
  12. I found thier web site utterly confusing LOL. Maybe once they get it updated I can try again.
  13. He is thinking of Medical school, but wants to do research or go into something along the lines of CSI. He has great grades and is basically stright A, he just reads excructiating slow. I am probably going to do some sort speed reading course with him this summer. I have thought of having his eyes checked and possible vision therapy as now that we are going through this with my 8 yo, I am wondering if this son has some vision issues too.
  14. I have had one successful VBAC so far and your chance will be higher with the less interventions you have. I had a birth plan ready incase we transfered to the hospital so I highly recommend you have one and go over it with your care providers well before your due date. Make sure any questions or concerns are out of the way well in advance. Once you get to the birth center or hospital, make sure whoever is on staff that day gets a copy and that they READ it. There is no need for any excess interventions including epidurals just in case ( Sorry to the poster who did this), continuous monitoring etc. Your chance will be higher if you can move around, change positions and do what feesl right to you. Some good books are Silent Knife and The VBAC Companion. Lastly, I highly recommend the web site www.ican-online.org and joining the email loop.
  15. Thanks again for reassuring me. I would rather not have to deal with what ifs and paypal etc, so I just said no thanks. I am looking for Teaching the Classics set for those that asked.
  16. Thanks everyone. I ended up emailing her and telling her I will pass. I feel bad, but in this day and age with $ to sight I just don't want to chanc eit. I hope I didn't just miss a great deal. Again, I apologize to the person who PMed me if you are reading this thread.
  17. He is going to be in 10th and doesn't like to read. It takes him forever to read a book because, according to him, it's boring. He can read and I have had him read aloud many times, just to check LOL. I have purchases Notgrass Exploring World History for him and my heart sank when I looked at the lit books. I would love for him to read the books and envision us having great discusssions and all that, but reality is he will most likely only get through half of them. We use Axploring America this year and he really enjoyed the textbook part, but read maybe half the assigned books. He is the type of kid who works well on his own and plows through his school work. He loves textbooks and has asked for textbooks rather than lit based. I figured notgrass was a good compromise, but now I am wondering if I should choose something that is a better fit for him. We are using BJU for english next year and thier english is usually half year of grammar and half year of lit. I had planned to stretch his english out to a year by doing in 3 days a week. Now I am thinking just use the english as meant and have him use their lit in the spring. I could have him use their history too, which he has used in the past and enjoyed and this would allow him to work through it at his pace. But then part of me is thinking that forcing him to use the Notgrass and read the lit books would be good for him. I feel like I am always letting the kids slide with their work and my goal this year is to be more firm with them in their school work load. So, wwyd?
  18. Well they need 50 to post a for sale, but these was a PM to me @ a WTB I posted. I had already emailed her that I was interested, but then I got to thinking and I think I will listen to my intuition and you guys :) Thanks!
  19. My Dh has gone on to work in another state while I stayed with the kids twice now and I would rent your house/put it for sale, whatever, and rent a house with him. It's too hard on the kids to do this. I finally told DH this just a few weeks ago that after he moved to AR and I was in Maine, my baby, who was 2 at the time, would wake up at night and cry " where daddy go". UGH. Never again.
  20. I have been posting a WTB for a few weeks for an item that, to me, is expensive. A person PMed me that they have it for sale and for me to email them. The problem is this person has 0 post and no info on his/her profile and yesterday was the day they registered here. Would you buy from him/her? It's only $50, but... I apologize if this person is reading this thread :)
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