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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. It took me a it but then I finally got the necklace thing. DH commented @ sleeping on his side with a head injury lol. I didn't even think @ it.
  2. My mom went into a hospital right after having me( I believe a psych. hospital) and I was taken care of by an aunt until I was @ 5 months old and so, no, I wasn't breast fed. I have breast fed all 10 of my kids.
  3. The Oregon Trail 5th edition. They probably have the 7th edition by now? lol
  4. My 15 yo and 12 yo are cleaning out the garage and in a box of Christmas decorations they found and unopened mail package with a christmas gift inside! I must of bought this online and forgot @ it. The date on the postage is October 21, 2005! I have no idea which kid I bought it for and now they all want it LOL. I guess I should have titled this, Guess what TWO of my kids found. DOI me.
  5. You used to be able to click a button on Paypal that said shop now. It would instantly give you a temporarry #, just like a CC and you could shop at almost anywhere online. I am not sure if they still have this feature as I have a paypal debit card now so don't need it.
  6. How about things that can be popped into the crock pot so you wont heat the house. Beef stew, chicken noodle soup, taco meat, chicken and cream soup or salsa etc.
  7. LOL I never thought that topic would make such a stir. I figured a few post @ her hair and that would be it :D
  8. Woo hoo! Praying this is the real thing for you! :grouphug:
  9. I know I am only one person, but all my babies were very close in age. I have never had a baby born less that 41 weeks and most were 42-42 and all but one weighed under 9#s, with two weighing 11# and one 12# LOL. I have only had one MC that I know of and no OB has ever treated me as high risk or even batted an eye at my pregnancies, except when I tried to have a VBAC and succeeded.
  10. I have lost it early with a few and in very active labor with a few and with a few never appeared to lose anything.
  11. Sorry, I deleted because I felt it was too personal to post.
  12. I wont be able to have a big garden, but I am thinking of some container gardens. Probably will just do a salad garden and dream of having a large yard again :) I'd love to hear what you all are planting though!
  13. It does make sense, but have no idea what the Duggars feel and believe towards others as far as living a QF life. I really haven't followed them to closely and don't personally know them, so I can't judge what they believe. I know there must be people who DO wean to get pregnant, I just haven't had any experience with it and I haven't seen proof the Duggars do.
  14. I will admit when I first became a christian and became QF, I really thought that it WAS a salvation issue! I was older and had a few kids before I truely became saved and realised that salvation was only obtained through accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior.
  15. Yes, I do think it can be God's will for that family. It would be between God, the DH and the woman. I cannot say what one should do nor would I judge them.
  16. I am with you. I am not even going to try to touch that one.
  17. I have exclusively breast fed and gotten my cycle back early and gotten pregnant while nursing. I had 8 babies in 10 years and I didn't fall apart. Matter of fact I went on to have 2 more and am in perfect health and ready for more babies, Lord willing.
  18. My oldest went to college last year and my next one in line is heading in off in the fall.
  19. That's hysterical! I don't have this, but it's been on my want list for a while.
  20. Thanks, we are fine here. It was a scary afternoon/evening!
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