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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Well I havent seen any proof nor have I seen mention of it on the news. If there is forced under-age marriage then punish the man/men involved. I don't see how taking away ALL the kids solved anything. Nor taking away new born babies from the moms even if they are underage. How many teen girls have babies in the US each and every day? I don't see CPS lining up at the hospital doors to tak those babies away?
  2. We recently called about adding a car for my oldest Dd and even if it's in her name only, as long as she lives with us, she can be under our insurance. This is with Allstate.
  3. I think the CPS was in the wrong and I think this was plain religous persuction and abuse of power. If they find actual real evidence of a crime being comitted, then charge the men involved, but I haven't read a thing @ any charges? I haven't seen or read of any evidence of abuse. I hope those children are returned asap. If we ( being the people) roll over and let this stand as is, then who is going to be next? Me, because I have 10 kids and I am different? Everyone on ths board because we home school? What about those who don't vax? It's a slippery slope. FWIW, I don't agree with the FLDS lifestyle, but that is none of my business and it shouldn't be the governments either unless a real crime is being comitted and they have actual real proof of it.
  4. I'd go. When I was due with my 4th we went to the beach 1.5 hours away and stayed all weekend. My OB about had a fit when I got back LOL. But I knew I'd go late and figured there were hospitals along the way if needed.
  5. http://www.kxan.com/global/story.asp?s=8365745 I wonder if they will give the kids back now and how long it will take?
  6. UGH nevermind. I posted too soon. DH and I decided not to move right now. I am really OK with it. The house is wonderful, but it just isn't the right time for us and finacially it makes sense for us to stay where we are in the long run. And now I don't need to pack :D
  7. After my C section, when I was 34, I got a ton of them, I assume from the meds and since then I have been messing with them and it drives me nuts!
  8. LOL If I had the $ I would pay someone! Nice thing is I still haven't UNpacked some stuff from the last move :D
  9. I would do cash or a visa gift card. If they are going off to college they will have alot of supplies to buy.
  10. My heart just breaks for that boy. I cannot imagine what he is going through. Praying for the whole family.
  11. This is what we planned to use with my son http://www.chinasoft.com.au/nihao.html but we did plan on a tutor. I wouldn't attempt it without one myself.
  12. One of my kids did this too! LOL I had been sewing and left the machine plugged in while swapping laundry. I come back and my sciccors are back, cord it cut and kid is hiding. None ever tried it again, so they did learn something that day :D
  13. My kids play and it is VERY addicting! We have to set time limits or they would play 24/7.
  14. Thanks for sharing, I hope it's a simple hernia.
  15. Anyone else have experience with something like this?
  16. Thanks again everyone, I am still on cloud nine. And I appreciate the prayers re: liver test.
  17. I didn't know where that was so I looked on Mapquest and it's on the other side of the state as I am.
  18. Thanks! I am absolutely dreading moving again. The nice thing is Memorial Day weekend DH had 4 days off, so he can help.
  19. and I am thrilled!!!! The house is about 2 miles from where we live now on a dead end road. :D The rent is going to be the same as we pay now, it's a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, but the best part is it's on 7 acres!!! Not a ton of land, but it's very private and we will have no more neighbors and no more subdivision! I will be able to have a garden again and maybe some laying hens. The owner said we could move June 1st if we want too :w00t: But I don't know if I will be able to gt it done that fast!? So, more likely July 1st although the kids want to move tomorrow LOL, so we shall see. :)
  20. I have been having pain on my right side, towards my liver area and not GB, and I saw my Dr a few months ago who said it was probably muscle. Last night I was pressing that area and I swear I felt "something". So I went to another Dr today and after she examined me she said she thinks I have a cyst as she felt a lump :confused1: . It can't be co-incidence that I have had gallbaldder problems for a year and now have this cyst? I haven't found anything with the little bit of googling I did that connects gallstones with liver cyst though. I am scared it's going to be a tumor. She is doing a bunch of blood work on Friday and I am going to have an U/S next week. Anyone have experience with a liver cyst or tumor?
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