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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I know quite a few woman with 10+ kids and one of my good friends in NH had 14, plus numerous MC and I know of a few woman with 17+ children. I know I have only had 10 so far :D, but I am in better shape now that when I had 5 kids and the only time I bled heavy was after my 5th. The body is an amazing machine.
  2. I think it's neat and I would love to be pregnant right now :sad:
  3. Saw this on yahoo.... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080509/ap_on_re_us/18_kids
  4. Ohh how fun! We loved having chickens and I can't wait till we can again.
  5. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601081&sid=a0DzKg7crjes&refer=australia It's so hard to know what to think. First there are shortages and prices soar, now it appears there is plenty and prices drop. :confused:
  6. :iagree: We don't do anything formal until K and even that is very relaxed.
  7. Here you go: http://www.robinsoncurriculum.com/view/rc/s31p1787.htm
  8. When we lived in Maine and we lived very rural I was thankful my DD could drive so she could help out with errands and when she got a job, I didn't have to drive her back and forth. When you live rural there isn't public transportation either. So, for kids that want or need to work, having a license can be a huge help. As far as the drinking age, I do think it's silly to be a legal adult at 18 but not be able to drink until 21. However, as a mom to an 18 and19 yo I think they should raise it higher J/K :D
  9. LOL. I wish we could edit the titles of post. Me and my typos....:D
  10. I thought I had this saved, but can't find it. How would I list my son's saxon on his transcript if he finishes the series through their calculus book. Thanks!
  11. Did you pay your turbo tax fees out of your refund or did you pay them with a debit card, CC etc? OOPS sent too soon. If you paid with checking or credit card you still get a direct deposit.
  12. Has anyone else heard this? I have read elsewhere that if you used Turbo tax and paid for the fees by having it taken out of your refund, that you wont be getting direct deposit ( even if your refund was DD), you will be getting a paper check. Which really stinks as I was supposed to get ours May 9th, but now we will be getting a paper check mailed on June 20th. So if you used the " Where's your stimulus" link at the IRS web site and got an error message and used TT to file, this could be why. I just found this: http://www.9wsyr.com/content/news/real_deal/story.aspx?content_id=6423675d-f8d3-4a1e-9b48-14ab794f1761 What If I Filed My Return Online Through Turbo Tax? If you file and get your tax return through the mail, that's how you'll get your rebate check. If you chose direct deposit, your money will appear in your bank account in the coming months. That’s not true if you're one of the people who prepared their taxes on line through the site Turbo Tax and chose to have the preparation fee taken out of your return. When you do that, the IRS sends your refund check to Turbo Tax’s bank, they take out their share and then deposit the rest into your bank account. If you did it that way, instead of paying for the prep fee separately with a credit card, your stimulus check will be mailed to you. The same is true if you received a refund anticipation loan or if you split your refund between several accounts. It's just the easiest way for the IRS to make sure there are no errors when it comes to sending you the money.
  13. That sounds fantastic! We are having spaghetti and salad.
  14. I have read elsewhere that if you use Turbo tax and paid for it by having it taken out of your refund, that you wont be getting direct deposit ( even if your refund was DD), you will be getting a paper check. Which really stinks as I was supposed to get ours May 9th, but now we will be getting a paper check mailed on June 20th.
  15. My son is almost 9, undiagnosed dyslexic and couldn't write any of those words. He isn't even writing simple sentences yet. So my vote is for normal with possible careless errors.
  16. Thanks for posting that. I am still not sure if it would be worth a HS credit and would have to see it I guess.
  17. I have worked very hard and continue to work hard to be nothing like her. I think I am doing good so far, but it is a struggle at times.
  18. My son will be 9 on September 6th. This is his fall schedule: Math: BJU 3 Science:BJU 3 History & Lit: TOG year 1 English: Rod & Staff 3 Reading & Spelling: Barton's Handwriting: HWT
  19. I wouldn't choose any. For K we concentrate on phonics & reading, math and handwriting. Plenty of time to add in history, science, latin etc over the next 12 years. :D
  20. It enjoyed watching it, I just wish they had done a bit on VBAC and the VBAC bans going on. But, it was well done.
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