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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I put out WTB ads here and on the TOG boards well in advance of when I needed the books. This gave me time to find them used and then I only needed to buy a few new, which I bought most of them at Amazon and a few from TOG.
  2. this is probably not going to be a popular opinion, but I would drop everything and enjoy the summer. They are young enough and will be fine if you start back up in the fall. I would keep reading with DD, well both kids actually, but put away the formal stuff and just have fun.
  3. We have done 8-10+ a few times LOL. Most days I have 5-6 loads and Monday's are always worst.
  4. She states they used "structured curricula at all levels", Does anyone knows what curriculum they used? Sorry I just saw it was Calvert.
  5. Yes! I think it's really neat! We wont be looking at it for real until we are ready so it will be a while lol. For now, I get to just dream :) Do you know what year your dad's was built?
  6. We left NH for Maine in November of 2003 and left Maine for Arkansas April of 2007.
  7. Thanks again for the warnings and the encouragement :D Who knows what will happen by the time we are ready to buy. If we do go ahead with this house or any house for that matter, we will be have a thorough home inspection done. Here are 2 pictures I got from the realtors page: The yard is really over-grown now and it loooks like it's been empty for a while. There aren't any inside pics and I am assuming it's in rough shape. Off to the right there is a 2 car garage in OK condition and a old barn that's in bad shape.
  8. I'd rather not post a link because it has the address, but I wil try to post a picture later.
  9. Thanks everyone. We are considering everything you have said and will keep that in mind when we are ready to buy.
  10. Praying all is ok now. We were under watch earlier, but it's calm now.
  11. Thanks for the easy lunch idea! I have a large amount of pintos I need to use up so this is perfect.
  12. That's probably a problem we will have-both Dh and I would want to get it done asap and I can see this being a stress factor for us. Definitely something to consider.
  13. Thanks everyone. We should be able to do most of the work ourselves as Dh has years of construction expereince and we put in 3 bedrooms and a bathroom in our house in NH, doing 95% of the work ourselves. My biggest worry is foundation, if that's shot it can really get pricey to fix. I haven't been inside the house and for all I know the wiring and stuff has had some updating, but I am not betting on it. Ideally we would want to live there and work, but it will depend on how much work needs to be done. I do think the house is overpriced for the condition it's in, even with the land ( 55 acres) so it will have to depend on if they came down some and exactly how much work would need to be done. Time will tell. We need to keep paying down our debt and see what happens in a year. It will probably get sold next week LOL.
  14. My son finished 9th this month. He did: Saxon Alg 1 R&S English 8 PTIW 1 ( dropped it mid year) Apologia Biology Notgrass Exploring America SOS Spanish I Henle II
  15. We are using BJU & Homesat for the first time and I am praying it is a good fit for us. We are also using TOG again after a brief try a few years ago. I am a bit nervous that TOG is going to be over-whelming, but I really want it to work.
  16. We are going to use R&S Bible grade 5 this year, but do it together as a family. We will do most of it orally I think and the middle schoolers can do the worksheets. Grade 5 starts with the OT and the series goes through grade 8 and goes through all of the Bible.
  17. I vote for the BJU only because that's what we are doing :) I have heard it's pretty teacher intensive though and we are using homesat.
  18. We are along way from being ready to buy, but I found "the" house the other day by accident LOL and I am praying it stays on the market until we are ready. The only bad thing is it was built in 1850 an probably has had little to no updating LOL. Tell me if this can be done or am I completely nuts? :D
  19. I was going to list what each child is using this year by their age and it wouldn't let me post becasue it was too long LOL. Instead, I put a condensed list of what we are using. :)
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