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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I am terrible, but I keep it ALL. I still have my 19 yo's preschool papers :blush: Sorry I am no help LOL
  2. LOL, once we realised what was wrong we all got a good laugh. I am sure the look on my face must of been hysterical when I saw the amount though :D
  3. I am like waaaah? :saywhat: So I call the company and the guy is like what is the account #, which I couldn't find :confused: He tells me it should be 15something or other. Then I got it! They have the account # as the balance, complete with the $ sign LOL- $1,545,732.00 and the balance of 90.61, writen without the $ sign, as the account #. He pulled it up on his computer and we both got a good laugh LOL.
  4. Sorry this didn't work out, but I hope something opens up soon.
  5. I have always measured ahead and very large for my dates, but sadly have never gone into labor early. Hoping you have your baby early though!
  6. We are doing the sme thing! He is taking writing and math at the CC this fall and finishing up some stuff at home and then FT at the CC in the spring.
  7. I recommend joining spakpeople.com and tracking what you eat there for a bit. It will set up what amounts you should aim for each day and it really helps to keep it in check. I eat @ 10% of my calories from fat.
  8. My older kids do help change the baby's diapers. I appreciate the help!
  9. PTL she is home! I will continue to be praying for you all :grouphug:
  10. I only allow eating at set times. We have 3 meals and 2 snacks and that's it. Otherwise my grocery bill would be double what it is now.
  11. I am sorry you have all this going on and hope your DD is feeling better soon. :grouphug:
  12. I had to unsubscribe to the loose threads group because I couldn't keep up with the mail. I guess I could have gone to the digest instead of daily mail, but it was too much for me.
  13. Luann, Its so nice to see you again! How is the baby? How are you?
  14. LOL can you imagine some person inquiring where I got my lovely necklace? :lol:
  15. I was feeling better earlier, but I am pretty sore right now. The meds do help and I can take more in 30 minutes. Thanks for asking.
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