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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. and my 3 yo can't quite grasp the name...he calls it goose LOL. I love little ones :D
  2. We live in a subdivision, but the houses are spread out some, maybe 1/2-3/4 acre lots. I rarely see people outside and have only seen other kids a few times. There is one house with really young children that are outside alot and then I see a few kids get off the bus, but that's it. On Saturday you see people mowing the lawns, but during the week it's like a ghost town LOL.
  3. I never did the diapers, but I made my own wipes and some inserts to use for the first few weeks of messy new born poop.
  4. We are using BJU for math, english and science this year. I chose them because I wanted to be able to use homesat and from everything I have heard they are a offer a good solid curriculum.
  5. I make one schedule up that has all the kids on it so I can see at a glance what everyone should be doing. Then using that, I make each kid their own more detailed, so they can follow along on that. This year I wrote out their daily schedule and then each child also has a check list so I can keep track easily to see that daily work was completed.
  6. I bake in the mornings and try to bake a few things at that time insead of spreading it out over the week. So while your bread is rising you can have your pies baking and so on.
  7. I might just do this. I am going to look through his W&G book and decide for sure, but I think it might be a good idea to drop it.
  8. That's good to know. Maybe I will drop the W&G them and just use IEW with him. Hmmmm back to the drawing board :D
  9. Thank you. I am going to try the 4 days per week and see how his schedule works out.
  10. I wish more of ours could go to debt, but we need to buy a few things. Congrats on paying your debt down tough, that must feel wonderful!!!
  11. Oh, I know! :grouphug: I spent Monday and Tuesday at college orientation with my 18 yo. It goes waaay too fast! :(
  12. I am so thankful it finally arrived! We have a few things to buy, including the last of our school supplies, and the rest is going to bills. So I have some $ for a few days, then it's back to broke :D
  13. I planned on doing the writing & grammar simultaneously with the IEW. We have really avoided writing and so this is my main area of concern with him right now. He did well in R&S grammar last year so I don't know if he really needs another year of actual grammar, but I was thining the writing part of BJU might be good for him. Maybe he could drop the grammar part and just do the writing excersises? I don't know if they build on each other though.
  14. I think I finally have a plan of what he will be doing next year. He is the one who is interested in possible med school and is also the one who is a slow reader/doesn't like to read. He will be using homesat for the chemistry, writing & grammar/lit and spanish. BJU chemistry Saxon Algebra II BJU World History BJU Writing & Grammar BJU Literature IEW SWI C Vocab for the High School Student Latin in the Christian Trivium I ( he has been using Henle but wanted a switch) BJU Spanish I Traditional Logic I I will assign him various books throughout the year. How do you think this looks? On paper it works out to along day and I am curious how long it will actually take him to finish, but I want to cover all the bases.
  15. Thank you, both. His schedule seems so long already I would like to do it less than every day. Doing it over the summer seems interesting too.
  16. And also when to seek help. I remember thinking my son would just get it one day. Better late then early etc. I feel like I wasted time instead of seeking help earlier.
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