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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thank you both! I looked at the online course and it says that it's the first half of a 2 sememster course, but I don't see it offered as the second half? I wonder if they will eventually offer it? Oh, another question. Should he do traditional logic first? He has only done the fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox so far.
  2. You can buy the sat system for $50 ( I believe the deal runs out the end of the month) and then it's $50 a month for the sat service. After that all you need are the books with the little blue sat picture next to them. If you have more than one child using homesat this is the cheapest route to go. I believe you can buy just the 7th grade science on DVD which is $399 for the DVD's and the books. If I was doing just one or two courses this is what I would choose.
  3. What would be a good rhetoric course that could be done independently? How/where do you list rhetoric on a transcript? Thanks!
  4. My high schoolers usually work independently and I try to group my younger ones into some subjects such as latin, history, science, art, read alouds etc. This year we are switching to BJU homesat for math, eng and science and using TOG for history, LiCT for latin and Atelier for art.
  5. So Saxon Advanced math = a precalc course? When you say take calc 1 after, do you mean Saxon Calculus or college calc I? Thank you!
  6. If 15 mo isn't climbing out then I;d leave him in a crib. If he is climbing then I'd switch.
  7. Thank you, both. You have given me a few things to think about.
  8. He can do CC classes at the same time, so we will most likely go that route. BUt I was also looking at maybe AP instead and posted another question on that. He is weak on writing so I am making that our goal this year and he will probably do CC classes for writing too. I am not sure on math for him. He is going to do saxon alg 2 this year, but I am wondering if we should do a different route? Thanks :)
  9. What is the benefit of doing AP classes over taking CC classes? How hard is it to do AP classes at home? Where do I even begin!? :confused:
  10. My upcoming 10th grader is leaning towards pre-med and so I am wondering what course outline to take with him. Any particular curriculum provider that would be better than others? Any other thoughts are welcome!
  11. Try posting here : www.homesteadingtoday.com and see if anyone has one. You might try ebay too.
  12. My older kids keep their shoes in their room, but the rest of them we have a box by the door that they get tossed into.
  13. They came out perfect and cooked so quick. Thanks! :grouphug:
  14. You're right. Thanks for the butt kick LOL :grouphug:
  15. I am going to try to sleep tonight, I just hate not knowing what's going on. When it storms we lose TV and the comptuers are off, so if the radio isn't working I am clueless.
  16. Thanks for the info and links. I appreciate the help.
  17. I might look into other programs if her scores don't improve with the BJU.
  18. Thanks. We are in the clear for now and I pray it stays that way! I am going to breing this back to Radio Shack tomorrow and hopefully get a new one. It has been a PITB since we bought it.
  19. We are getting some bad weather and when I hit the weather button I can hear the weather and watch/warning news. But the alarm hasn't gone off and the only way I knew weather was coming was from an email alert sent to me, which isn't going to help in the middle of the night :confused: I reset it to the factory defaults and started over. I have set it to the right country, have all the right alerts chosen, have the alert button ON and the thing is silent. We are under a watch right now and none of the lights on the side ( watch, warning, advisory) are lit up and the alarm hasn't gone off yet. :banghead: I am going to have to shut down soon so I hope someone has some quick ideas LOL.
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