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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thanks everyone!! I got to take home a souvenier-a huge stone! I can not believe how big this thing is!? No wonder I was having pain. I am gong to take a picture tomororw, you will be amazed LOL I know I am weird :D
  2. and woozy, but over all feeling good. They took me back @ 1:15 and I was home at 4:30. My shoulders are hurting now so I am trying to keep walking an dmoving which someone said helps. I need to eat something so I can take my painmeds, but I am not feeling hungry tet. Thank you all for the prayers!!! I don't remmeber a thing from teh surgery!! God is good. I hope to be up and about tomororw.
  3. We are leaving in a little bit. I really appreciate the prayers and well wishes and will post a quick update tonight if I can.
  4. When my teens get a job they pay us gas money and once they get their license they pay gas and their insurance cost.
  5. I eat a very low fat diet and rarely eat processed foods. I eat veggies, fruits, whole grains and beans which all contain nearly zero fat. The only processed things I eat are whole grain bread and bagels and ocassional piece of dark chocolate :D I do use good fats sparingly such as olive oil, natural peanutbutter, coconut oil, nuts, seeds and avocados.
  6. I like SWR too, but we are switching this year to a workbook approach for most of the kids so I can concentrate on working with my dyslexic son. The other kids will be using Rod & Staff spelling instead. We might go back to SWR in the future as it is a wonderful program.
  7. For first we concentrate on math and reading/writing. We have used: Abeka math and my older ones used Saxon HWT for writing Copy work Teach Your Child to read in 100 EZ Lessons and SWR for reading ETC Books BOB Books and other read alouds Science and History they sat in with the older children.
  8. You are building muscle and you are gettign healthy. That's fantastic! Don't worry about the # on the scale, but focus on how good you are feeling and how healthy you are becoming. In the end that is what matters. :grouphug:
  9. I know they do and I know it's silly. I feel like a big baby LOL. Thank you for the prayers.
  10. Central time. Thanks for the prayers everyone! It's 2 AM and I can't sleep. All I can think about is the anesthesia failing and being awake during surgery. I know it's stupid, but my mind in my own worse enemy.
  11. to remove my gallbladder and repair a hernia. I have been calm @ this untill tonight and now I am really nervous. I have to be there at 11:30 and appreciate prayers that the surgery goes off without a hitch and that the anesthesia works as it's meant too. I will update as soon as I can. Thanks!
  12. :grouphug: She will be fine! And she is going to have a great time. Praying for her trip to be wonderful.
  13. I usually keep a dark chocolate bar hidden and have a square when I an needing something sweet.
  14. I had to REread your post LOL. I wasn't sure if I should get her the decimals and fraction books or start with their beginning algebra program.
  15. Nevermind, I figured it out LOL. I am going to look at Rainbow Resource .
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