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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I was thinking of trying to soak steel cut oats over night to help cut the cooking time down. I can't recall what the measurements of oats/water is and also, in the morning, will I need to add some more water or just put it cooking as is? Thanks!
  2. I am looking for scripture that points to mid-trib rapture. The church I went to visit today believes in rapture after 3.5 years of tribulation ( if I understood him right). I would like to research this and have no idea where to start. I would love to hear your thoughts on this as well. Thank you.
  3. We keep our children in church and it's not because we feel we are better than others, but we prefer our family with us as we attend. I feel commanded to teach my children at home and I want to be there at church so we can discuss, as a family, what is being taught.
  4. Thank you, Lynn, for sharing your experience. I am going to think and pray over it which course to use. I am leaning heavy towards fundamentals. I have both courses and will need to record both so I have time to think @ it.
  5. I like this idea, too. Hopefully I can find an easle at a yard sale this summer.
  6. Thank you everyone!!! I really like the idea of having an art box with some stuff they can access anytime and then have some other ( good stuff) put up for use when I am able to supervise it better. I know if just left everything in reach they would go through it all in a day or two LOL. I can't wait to shop now! :)
  7. My Dh had to go into the office today and will porbably be gone all day. So, it's just me and the kiddos, who are amazingly still asleep. I don't know if we will end up doing anything other than just hang out.
  8. For your preschoolers especially, but for all ages? I am making a shopping list :D
  9. Cynthia, Thaks makes sense @ the test. I didn't realise it was only part of the math and not a more invovled test. I do want to stick with BJU because I have the homesat. I might use Aleks over the summer and then move her into Pre-Alg in the fall. if we didn't choose BJU we would probably be doing chalkdust too.
  10. I am glad you got it figured out. Hope you can DEstress soon!
  11. We did prep first, but yes, it was her first time taking standardized test. I have the BJU book so I will flip through it and see what it does for review.
  12. I have had some wacky cycles lately too and I think stress does play a part. Please post as soon as you can as we are all dying to know :D
  13. I got my DD's ITBS scores back and she scored a really low % in math. We have been using Saxon, which she hated, and we are switching to BJU with homesat for fall. I had planned pre-alg for her, but now I am wondering if I should have her do the fundamentals of math instead in order to cover any missed concepts? The problem with this is that means she would be doing pre-alg in 9th, Alg 1 in 10th and so on. Not sure what to do.
  14. I do it all orally with my dyslexic 8 yo and we do have to review alot, but he also has retention issues. I think it's working well though.
  15. Thanks ladies. I feel silly for being such a wimp, but I hate this kind of stuff :-(
  16. I posted in the other thread about my gallbladder surgery and I am scheduled to have it out on June 25th. I am at peace with having it out and have found a wonderful Dr. The bad part is he is on vacation next week so the only day he can do it is Wed the 25th or Friday the 27th , so I chose the 25th. Now that it has sunk in I am worried that I waited too long to take care of this. :( My gallbladder has been hurting daily now for a while and I am afraid of having emergency surgery. I worry that if it ruptured I'd have to have open surgery verses lapriscopic. I really, really want lapriscopic and would really like to have this one surgeon. I know things are in the Lord's hand and trust Him, but please pray things quiet down so I can make it until the 25th. I will be posting a prayer request the day of surgery too, but for now this is my need. Thank you ladies!
  17. Well I am glad it's not just me. I pray the packages arrive soon.
  18. When we finished our basement in NH we ordered a window from home depot and they gave us the wrong size /window 3 times .
  19. Thanks everyone for the replies. I do think it would be too far every day and I know I would hate driving it, so I am sure DH would get sick of it too.
  20. One has been over 6 weeks I think and she was in MO and I am in AR so it shouldn't take that long. However, there was one tornado that did damage in MO after that so I wonder if that is part of it? All the packages were media mail. I am going to start buying DC on every package no matter how small the purchase.
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