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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I have had 3 people now email me about books I have shipped that didn't arrive. I have never had trouble before and now 3 in the same time period can't be coincidence? One I did buy DC but I can't find the skip and the other two I didn't buy it :(. I am 99.99% sure I mailed the right packages to the right people ( now I am doubting myself lol) . Plus wouldn't someone email me if they got the wrong thing or somethign they didn't buy? What do I do now? I am going to my PO tomorrow to see what they can do but it just seems odd to have all 3 disapear at once.
  2. I have started writing this exact post a few times in the last few weeks and wasn't brave enough to post it. I so understand how you are feeling! No advice, just wanted to let you know you aren't alone :grouphug:
  3. Thanks everyone. Right now he drives @ 14 miles each way all city traffic. An opportunity has come up and I am not sure of all the details and even if it will work out, so I don't really want to say much, but it would mean an hour commute each way. The only good thing is it would be mostly back roads until he got into town here. Of course we do have to consider gas so I don't know what would make sense LOL. Thanks for answering my poll. :)
  4. Pretend gas is not an issue and then decided how far would be too far for Dh to commute every day? Thanks :)
  5. Yeah. I haven't had another attack since October, but it just feels weird and I can tell something isn't right, kwim? I would much rather this than emergency surgery at 2 AM lol.
  6. Yes, this is the same child LOL. I didn't go to the spa yet cause we were going to use our stimulus check and then that got messed up cause of the turbo tax/direct deposit thing. We should get out check right @ the time of my gallbladder surgery . How nice :D
  7. LOL wow I have something to look forward too! Lint :D
  8. He said it went down his throat. We play a game where he eats my nose and it goes down his throat etc. But we weren't playing a game and he was in the other room, came in and told me. So now I don't know what to think. Do I need to take him to the ER? Let things pass normally? Edited: Thanks. I did call the pedi on call who said unless he has stomach pain or vomitting it should pass on it's own. Thanks anyways. The things this kid does/thinks LOL.
  9. Thanks everyone for easing my fears. I appreciate it!!!
  10. He said I will be home that day, they aren't keeping me over-night. Is this normal?
  11. That's what my Dh told me, but I don't agree with him. I am a wimp :)
  12. I was supposed to. Even went to the hospital and got checked in and all that and they canceled it. I never went back LOL.
  13. Oh, he said I have a hernia too, above my belly button!? He saw it and then felt it and told me he will take care of that at the same time? ACK. I had to try hard to not puke or pass out.
  14. surgery LOL. I met with the surgeon today and am scheduled to have it out on the 25th. I don't want too! :mad: And I am still terrified of the anesthesia or lack of it working, but I know it needs to go. So tell me it's going to be OK. Lie if you need too.
  15. For me, it really depends on the time of month. I woke my DH up today to "chat" and he didn't mind at all :lol:
  16. Once the post has been up for a while, the edit option goes away so you can no longer edit it. For instance I can no longer edit the original post in this thread. The edit button is gone.
  17. LOL I did already buy the K beginnings program for her, but when I was having my insanity attack I was looking for alternatives. I will use the BJU with her, but I really do like the RME book and might buy that too.
  18. Noooooo, I refuse to look :tongue_smilie: I do feel BJU will be a good fit for us and I am looking forward to using it.
  19. Thanks again everyone. We have decided to stick with our BJU/homesat plans. I just had some last minute panic, but I am sane again. Well, sort of. :D
  20. I haven't studied it, but I sent my kids with a kashi bar for a snack on test day with a water bottle. They love them and it has high protein and fiber.
  21. Thank you for the ideas and link. I am planning on using BJU with homesat, but I am looking into other options too as we might be having a snag with homesat.
  22. If you have the time I would really love to see how it actually works. My DD did outline a few chapters of gen science last year but it took her so long that she became overwhelemd. Thanks!
  23. I saw this and was wondering what ages it's geared towards?
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