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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. DH and I have been in a rut lately and we realized part of the problem is we don't DO anything. He goes to work, comes home and plays runescape LOL. I school the kids, run a few errands ,which I condense onto days my DS goes to theraphy, and that's it. We are once again churchless, so weekends are long and boring. We don't have family or friends so there is no BBQs and get togethers. We haven't gone on vacation in 9 years? We haven't gone anywhere in ages other than said errands. I am bored out of my mind and feel like our life has no purpose lately. There has got to be more to life than watching CSI alone every night. :001_huh: We don't have much $, so doing a lot of field trips is out of the question. We used to enjoy going for a ride on Sunday afternoons, but with gas at $4 a gallon, thats out too. My oldest DD is really struggling with the same feelings I am having too. So, what fills your days and fullfills your life? Where do I/we go from here?
  2. My 18 yo had his overall score go up by 4 points, but his math came down and his english went up. Go figure LOL.
  3. If we had our own home and especially if we had a large lot of woods, we would put an outside wood burning stove. Our second choice would be a pellet stove.
  4. We live in a rental so this is what we did too and I have been very happy wiht it.
  5. We don't have much $ left in our budget after the bills are paid so we are limited in what we can do. However, we are stocking up on food and the basic supplies we need day to day and we are learning to live with less. The biggest thing we are trying to do is pay down our debt so we have more freedom to make choices. Unfortnately this is slow going but eventually we will be able to pay it down faster.
  6. Most people put CC in the title of their thread to warn that there is christian content to allow those who wish to avoid it to skip reading that thread. I just skip over any threads that don't interest me. Welcome to the boards. :)
  7. I did this every day from @ 35 weeks on and even did it in labor. It does work.
  8. Just make sure it's not something more like this: http://www.itchymoms.com/
  9. This is what I did for the last 15 months and it does help, but mine was just too far gone from years of bad eating habits.
  10. Yes, he said to really watch the fat, but I don't each much anyways.
  11. It's honestly one reason why we didn't even really consider them. I would cancel, it's too much $ to lose out on.
  12. Sorry you are going through this. :grouphug: I just had mine out a week ago today and haven't seen a bill, yet. I know it's coming though *sigh* The surgery really was a breeze like everyone said it would be and I feel amazing!
  13. Thats what I was thinking, too, but thought maybe I missed something.
  14. Oh, I see. But they were giving you the 10K, so they weren't really asking for closing cost to be paid by you. I don't undertand real estate LOL.
  15. I am so glad it isn't only me. I have no idea what was wrong with this?
  16. When our kids were younger we had the same problem and did end up choosing DH's younger sister. The situtation wouldn't have been perfect, but it was the best we could think of. We prayed alot LOL. Now I have 2 adult children and we are going to change our will to have them, which still isn't ideal, but I am praying we never need them to take over.
  17. Congrats!! The first day is exciting and once you get into a groove it will get easier.
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