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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. No wonder you were tired! I am tired just reading about it LOL. Thanks for sharing :)
  2. My favorite is http://www.fatfreevegan.com/ and I also like to visit http://drmcdougall.com/
  3. Thanks! I am feeling 100% which is amazing to me. Why did I wait so long to have it done? :D
  4. Thanks. I would like to find some kind of hobby. I need to just DO it. I have ideas then I talk myself out of it. lol. I am at the point I don't even know what I like. I have thought @ classes, but other than drawing, I don't know what I'd do or what interest me. It;s like I have been a mom/wife so long I don't know who I am. Does that make sense?
  5. I think that has some to do with it, but I am feeling like we don't have roots. I used to miss NH so much when we lived in Maine and now I could care less @ going back, other than an occsional pang of home sickness. I really disliked Maine, but now I am regretting not enjoying it more and being content there. I feel like we made a mistake coming here and we should have worked harder to be happy in Maine. I really felt the Lord called us there and we blew it. Almost like moving here is our punishment for not obeying His call. I am not UNhapy here and don't dislike Arkansas, but I could move in a heart beat and it wouldn't bother me. But move where? Move why? There is no reason to leave and we don't have anywhere to go even if there was. Not sure what this has to do with my feeling blah. Is this a mid-life crisis? LOL
  6. I have been thinking @ this lately. I am doubting why He moved us to Maine then here and I know He doesn't make mistakes, but I wish I knew what the point was/is. I really need to think and pray on this. I am struggling with being content where I am.
  7. I do have a digital camera and have a TON of pics on my computer ( organizing those could fill my time till I was 50 lol). I bet my Dd's would enjoy helping make scrap books, too. I will see if my library has any of the drawing books. That might be a good start. Thanks for the great ideas.
  8. I have a blog and have been terrible about updating it! Good reminder :) As for reading, I do enjoy it, but haven't been able to get into a book lately. I will have to try again. I have a few books hanging around that I haven't gotten too.
  9. We are on break. Maybe doing something like a unit study would be a good idea. I am sure the kids would roll thier eyes lol, but maybe thats what I need.
  10. http://www.disasterstuff.com/store/pc/Food-Grade-5-Gallon-Bucket-White-12p42.htm I buy the buckets for $5 from my food co-op. The lid in this pic is a gamma seal and there run @ $7-$9 each. I don't have the gamma seals yet, but they are next on my list. For now, I use the regular lids and make sure they are sealed tight.
  11. We live in a city so we are in the same boat. We are stocking up on grains and baking supplies right now. I store my stuff in plastic buckets with tight sealing lids that I bought from our food co-op. I am also stocking up on canned good andnon-perishable stuff. I wish we had a large garden and container gardeing seems pointless for my size family. Can you see if there are any farmer's markets nearby and stock up on veggies/fruits and can them or freeze them?
  12. I am sorry you are going through this, too! :grouphug: I never thought being without a church would be so hard. I really need that fellowship. I will be praying you find a church soon.
  13. I have been praying. We did attend a church since we got here, but have since moved on. While there we didn't realy connect with anyone because everyone was older 55 and we are in a different season then them. It's hard to go over for a BBQ when they are kidless and we have 10 kids, kwim? LOL
  14. I think the kids would love this idea and it would be good for me to get outside more.
  15. I do like to sew, but I am not really good at it. Once day I do want to learn. I'd love to take a class or something, maybe painting? but no money and its hard to justify spending $ on a class I don't "need". I don't have any friends here yet. LOL @ the furniture, we do that too. Dh never knows what the house is going to look like when he gets home :)
  16. No, no. I appreicate your post! I have been praying for a church and hopefully once that happens some other areas of our life will fall into place.
  17. But I am bored. I need something more than just HSing the kids, kwim? Of course once school starts, I will probably whine that I am too busy. Maybe I am just nuts. Thanks for the book recommendations.
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