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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I read tot hem together, then have one color a picture @ what your read and take the other aside and do the narration. Then while the other colors a picture, you do the 2nd child. I would do the younger first in this case.
  2. I have never even heard of this show, but just watched the clip. All I could think of was would you buy something from inside that house:confused: :blink::eek:
  3. We don't have anything like that and have to pay full price for classes and books. We have decided to do CC classes with him as I think the classroom experience might be good for him. I also like the idea of possible letters of recommendation down the road.
  4. Thanks, again. I am going to add this to our day!
  5. I can fit 6 stoneware pans in my oven. I just rotate them mid way from bottom to top shelf.
  6. Read or reread the WTM. I reread the pages on pre-reading/pre-writing last night and it was very calming. You can do this!!! :grouphug:
  7. Last night I put the 10, 8, 5 and 3 yo to bed. Sit down to watch TV and hear fireworks going off next door. So much for bedtime :glare:
  8. I used the pampered chef stoneware and buy my yeast at either my food co-op or SAMS.
  9. Thanks, Janet. I hope to get the CD;s too. I wonder if I can find them used.
  10. I was wondering where you got the songs and sound bites you use. I would love soem free ones too as out budget is spent too.
  11. This is what I had in mind. We will probably do latin seperately, although it might be easier to do it al together inthe mornings.
  12. This was very helpful and I like your CD idea, from your blog! Thanks :)
  13. Are the CD's necessary or can this be easily used with just the book? Thanks!
  14. I do like this idea. I did spend some time digging into my son's learning issues recently. I think I am going to spend some time revamping our school and last night I reread some of the WTM. I like Tami's idea of working through Ambleside's reading list and I am planning a library day tomorrow. I usually go alone and grab books for the kids, but I am going to take them and make a fun day of it like Tracy does( in the frugal living thread). I read the part in WTM where she had each child get a specific type of book each week and I am going to try that for the rest of summer and see how it goes. I also want to add in some books on tape which I think we will ALL enjoy. Erica, your church sounds wonderful and I hope and pray we can have the same type of church family soon! Cat_The_Spaz , it's my DH and kids who play, but I will tell him to say "hi". I can't get into games :D kalanamak, thanks for the poem :) Rosie, that sounds really fun! My boys love anything medievel and would have a blast. I don't know if we have SCA here, but I will kepe it in mind. We are going to the fireworks tonight in town so that is going to be fun and finally something we can all do together. It's the first day in months that none of the kids or DH work. We might do somethign this afternoon too. Maybe apicnic or the park. Thank you everyone! :grouphug:
  15. It does make sense. Now to DO it lol. Thanks :)
  16. Well that does make sense. I keep picturing recitig nursery rymes lol, but I guess studying for a chem test is memory work too, right?
  17. What if you are starting with older children or never did this when they were younger, would you still try to do memory work now? What age/grade is too old to bother?
  18. This is something we always start ad then drop. I reread the section in WTM today @ memory work and it makes sense, but doing it is another thing. What if you have multi ages; do you have each child memorize specific things and/or group stuff?
  19. I know and that is my prayer right now; that I can find contentment no matter what our situtation. Thanks for understanding :grouphug:
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