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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. This was us, except it was closer to 9 months from the time DH moved here till we closed and we ended up losing $15k at signing. We had very little time left before we would have had to either file or foreclose. I hope you sell soon! :grouphug:
  2. Thanks again. I was able to find this used and look forward to starting with my 5 yo.
  3. Our last house had 1 full bath and 2- 1/4 baths, so we only had 1 shower/tub. This house has 2 full baths. It works for us.
  4. I was 18 and DH was 22 and we will celebrate 21 years in August.
  5. How about a mother's helper for a few hours in the mornings? Is there a home school teen nearby who could come over in the afternoons?
  6. Thanks, Colleen. It does look wonderful and I think Hannah will enjoy it!
  7. I would not eat it! For safety sake I would send all jars to me ASAP. :D
  8. I second adding vinegar tothe rinse cycle. Also, give each peice a good snap before you hang it out.
  9. That would be wonderful! :) I am in the NW corner though and I believe Jackie is down in the SE corner.
  10. Before my DD's had their first . I bought pads and tampons and we talked @ both and I let them decide. My oldest just aasked me recently @ a cup and she is thinking along those lines. It's up to them and what they are comfortable with.
  11. Most of my babies it didn't come back until I weaned, but the last 2 came back early. Way too early lol. I think Hannah was 4 months old and William was 5-6 months old? I was exclusively BFing both of them on demand, too.
  12. No advice, but wanted you to know that I am praying for your baby.
  13. Thanks for the replies. It's nice to see how this works in real life.
  14. To complete your child's language arts program? What is your typical daily schedule. And what did you go onto use after your finished RME? Thanks!
  15. Oh, definitely! My older kids are always telling us how spoiled the younger two are and that would have never gotten away with XYZ :D I have just learned to relax and pick my battles. Life is too short.
  16. AT that age, I would encourage her to tithe ( if you believe that way) and set aside X amount for savings and the rest is hers. But I wouldn't force it as I believe if she is old enough to earn the $, she should be allowed to use it her way ( within reason lol).
  17. No offense but does every single wal-mart thread HAVE to turn into an anti-wal-mart thread :confused: I think, but maybe I am way way off, that the OP meant this to be a funny post.
  18. I knew I was forgetting something every day! :smash: :D
  19. Kelli, how terrible! :grouphug: Thanks for sharing.
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