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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I thought they were green LOL. I guess this is called a pigment stone. I also thought they would be all jagged and not smooth.
  2. I have started mine off with a writing class, but that's because I am not a strong writer myself and wanted to make sure the bases were covered. What is your Dd interested in?
  3. Yumm! If it's peanut M&M's you got protein and the popcorn in whole grain. I say go for it. :D
  4. I am so sorry he is being treated this way. Kids can be so cruel :sad:
  5. He said I had a bunch of smaller ones too, but I was glad he did save this. The kids think it's gross LOL. The shoulder pain in pretty much gone and the meds are taking care of the rest. I feel really good.
  6. This is my last GB related post, I promise, but I wanted to share a pic of my monster stone. That's a quarter it's next too. LOL Yes, I am weird.:D No wonder I was on pain though!
  7. One time I was at my sisters house and was frantically looking for my baby and couldn't figure out they were looking at me weird. Then I realised said baby was on my hip. :lol: Then when I was pregnant with Hannah I used to sleep in long john pants and along T shirt. One day I got up to go for my walk, changed my shirt, put on my socks and shoes and headed out the door. I got to the bottom of the stairs before I figured it out LOL I am sure there are many more :D
  8. I spoke with the nurse who said bleeding is normal there because it's a larger incision. So all is fine :D
  9. We tried TOG a few years ago and dropped it mid year. I have the new redesign planned for this fall, but I am seriously considering switching to textbooks and doing some good family read alouds in addition to it. I also have considred using SL 2 year world history and dragging it out over 3 years. I think TOG is going to be too much for us.
  10. :iagree: This is how I feel too and the only time they have homework is if they don't finish what I assign during the day, but they have more than enogh time and have very rarely needed to do something at night.
  11. My next in line will graduate at 17 too, but he is going to get his AS at the CC down the road and then transfer to the bigger university as a junior.
  12. I learned that surgery isn't as scary as I thought and that gallstones can be the size of grapes :blink:
  13. We bought the one recommended by Apologia for their biology course and ordered it through hometrainingtools.com
  14. I told DH I was going to make a necklace out of it. It just confirmed to him that I am nuts :D Thanks for the well wishes! :)
  15. I am 39, have 10 kids, and am praying for one to two more. I don't think you are too old :)
  16. Yes, I had it done with laparoscopy. The belly button was an unbilical hernia repair. I will try cleaning it up some, but I did plan to call the Dr and question it, but I didn't want to call in the middle of the night. Thanks for the help!
  17. My son, who is headed towards becoming an engineer, thinks this is really cool. I think I would throw up LOL.
  18. I sent him for pads and he came home with incontinence underwear LOL.
  19. Why does this stuff always come up in the middle of the night? I have 4 big baindaids on my stomach and the Dr said I have butterfly sutures ( bandaids? can't remember now) underneath. The ones by my GB llook fine, but the one over my belly buton has been bleeding. It's not through the bandaid, but I can see the blood underneath and since last night the line of blood has moved down further on the baindaid. Is this normal? I got up off the couch too quick earlier and I am afraid I pulled something. I am relatively pain free inthe GB area, but my belly button has pain even with the painmeds. I can take 2 pills instead of one, but it isn't that bad, it's just there. Thanks.
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