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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. :iagree: It wont be long now! Rest and drink!
  2. This is the BEST pizza recipe we have ever used! Jessica at Trivium Academy s Papa John s Pizza Papa John s Pizza Sauce 1- 10 3/4 oz. tomato puree 1/4 c. water 1 tea. olive oil 1/4 tea. lemon juice 1/4 t. (each) salt, oregano 1/8 t. (or a pinch) basil, thyme, garlic powder Bring to boil, simmer for 15-20 minutes. While sauce is cooking preheat oven to 400° and make your dough. This recipe makes two pizzas in our home. Dough 1 cup warm water 2 T. sugar 1 pkg. dry yeast 3 c. white flour 1/2 tsp. salt 2 T. olive oil thyme, basil, oregano, garlic powder as you like Mix the water, sugar and yeast together well. Add the flour, salt, olive oil and spices. Knead dough, let rise for 5-10 minutes. Separate in two, roll out with floured pin (I use a floured glass). Sauce is done, put a good layer of sauce on, add desired toppings then 1-2 cups of shredded mozzarella or pizza blend cheese. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Yummy! Most of the time this is better than eating from a restaurant, plus there s so much you can do. Add onions, peppers etc. You can even make it in advance and freeze it, just bake in preheated oven 400° for 20 minutes keeping an eye on it.
  3. I didn't read the other responses, but this is a scam. The same person emailed me @ some books I have listed there. I wouldn't worry too much if you mailed them your address, just DON"T cash the check and if they actually send you one, I'd bring it and the emails to the police.
  4. This is us too right now. We have a checking account and that is it. No savings, no retirement, no stocks, no house. Nadda :eek:
  5. I didn''t see Joanne answer the question @ the school having a already policy in place regarding hair. I am assuming they do and have to side with the school. It's their school & policy and not everyone is going to agree with it and then they can choose to either join or conform to the policy. Now, if there is no policy already in place then that's a whole nother story :001_smile:
  6. There is a huge difference between carbs. I can see avoiding processed carbs and junk food, but brown rice, whole grains etc are very healthy, good for you and cheap. Add to your whole grain base some nuts, seeds, lentils, beans and veggies & fruits and you have a well balanced diet.
  7. I think alot of why not more people are using it is because more popular products have come out. Back when I first started home schooling, eveyone was using saxon. It was the in thing LOL. Now there is VT, TT, CD etc so people have more options.
  8. Neither :D We have used 100 EZ Lessons with a few of our kids and it worked fine, but I wanted something different so we switched to OPGTR and I had two who hated it. We are using Reading Made Easy with my current 5 yo and she loves it! We are on lesson 19 and she has a stack of words she can read already. It was just the change we needed.
  9. I definitely think you can do better and healthier on your own. Some beans or lentils, rice and veggies and your covered.
  10. We don't celebrate it at all and never have. But, when I had my daycare we used to do a harvest party in late September. Last year we played a board game during TT , to keep the littles occupied. I bought a few bags of candy and they were happy. When we lived more rural I didn't have to worry @ it, but it's obvious here whats going on.
  11. We have schooled for 7 so far and I have 14 more to go, so 21 years- unless we have a few more kids... :D
  12. I saw a Dr at the beginning of my pregnancy with William and the Dr told me to wean ASAP. I found a MW and she encouraged me to continue nursing. I nursed for 5 more months with no trouble.
  13. We saw this on Sunday and loved it. I thought it was very well done.
  14. My son will be in 11th next year and will have completed Apologia Biology, Chemistry and Advanced Chemistry ( He is doing chem and adv chem in one year). So for 11th I was thinking maybe a biology course at the CC, but now I am thinking maybe wait till 12th for that. Should we do physics in 11th and then the CC biology in 12th or maybe Apologia Adv biology in 11th with the CC biology in 12th? He will be in Saxon Adv math in 11th too, if that matters. This is for the son headed to med school. Thanks!
  15. In AR you get your permit and then after 6 months you get your license. Then it's 6 months of driving with an adult and you can drive by yourself. It had been 3 days since he was allowed to drive alone. He did get a ticket and has to go to court November 10th, but in the meantime they didn't mention he can't drive.
  16. How will this effect (affect?:confused:) credit card interest rates? Thats what worries me the most. We have way too much CC debt :banghead: and are working on paying it down, but if the % rates rise it's going to be much harder to do that.
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