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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My son turned 8 in September last year and did 2nd grade that year.
  2. Does the FLL 3 workbook include copywork excersizes? If so, would doing these and WWE be overkill?
  3. That's hilarious! I can picture this happening. :lol:
  4. I had my 10th 3 months after turning 36, so I guess you don't want my comments? :lol:
  5. She hasn't posted in a while and I was wondering how she was doing or if she had gotten the results from her biopsy.
  6. ROFL, same here. My eyes about popped out of my head at the title of this thread! :lol:
  7. Yes, very happy. I have ordered from them for @ 3 years or so and never had a problem.
  8. I use just regular prefolds when my oldest 4 were in diapers and always hung them to dry. With the last few kids I have used all in ones and dred them mostly, but have hung them too.
  9. My Dh is looking for information on teeth whitening. Do those home kits really work? WHich is the best one to buy? Any tips? Thanks!
  10. I order mine from http://www.clnf.org/ via our local food co-op.
  11. I eat a vegan diet and eat salads only every now and then. I do eat veggies with every meal, just can't stomach salads daily. I follow the McDougall plan, which is another option to look at.
  12. My 10th grader is using Notgrass and we are using IEW for writing. I am very happy with both programs.
  13. As it stands right now, we wont be giving gifts this year, except a few small things to our youngest ones. Such as a barbie I got on sale and have tucked away, maybe some match box type cars etc. If we do still get a tax refund in Feb we will do something for our older kids. We have discussed it with them and they are fine and want the littles to have a nice Christmas. I hate the thought of it, but it is what it is and there is nothing I can do about it.
  14. A few weeks ago oil and thus gas was through the roof because of "high demand". Now, the economy is tanking and suddenly demand is low and oil/gas is falling. Why would demand suddenly be lower? I don't think people are using less? Winter is coming and it's already cold in some places. Am I missing something?
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