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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thanks! What kind of recipes do you use these in, Camy?
  2. I have never heard of these before, but I am looking to try some new beans. Has anyone used these? What kind of recipes do you use them in? What is the taste( kind of bean) are these compared too? Thanks!
  3. Thanks. You have given us some things to think about before deciding. I appreciate it!
  4. Congratulations!!! :party: Our home water birth baby weighed 11# 15 oz, I know your pain :D
  5. Thank you. I need to discuss it with my ds and see what he thinks. If we do go to CD I think we would do the geometry in 11th and then pre-calc in 12th. If we stay with saxon, I am hoping he'd be able to finish the adv. book in 11th and do the calculus book in 12th. I wonder how helpful the new Saxon teacher DVDs are in comparision tothe old DIVE ones? I wish the web site had a sample of how they work. Anyhow, thanks!
  6. I started Feb 07 and have lost 107#s so far. I have been struggling since June to get below 160 and it's driving me bonkers.:banghead: I want to get down to 140 and hope to by the time Feb rolls around. I am eating a low fat, high fiber plant based diet and excersizing 5-6 times a week ( when I am being good lol).
  7. My 10th grader is using Saxon Alg I this year and is doing well with it. However, I am looking towards next year and wondering how he will do with advanced math. He is self teaching and I am thinking at this point he might do better with a DVD type program. I have been happy with CD for my younger children and so I am leaning towards that for him. I know Saxon has geometry mixed into their courses, but would he have had enough if he doesn't complete the advanced math? If not, I would need him to do the CD geometry next year, but then he would only be able to finish the pre-calc in 12th and I was hoping to have him finish at least the calc course, but possibly the trig too. Would it be possible to do the geometry and the pre-calc at the same time? Thanks!
  8. My 15 yo is taking it as a junior. Edited-he is a 10th grader this year NOT a junior! LOL
  9. My kids were in PS at one time and it is easier and less hectic to have them home. I don't keep them home just so they can do housework, even though it is a plus :lol:
  10. I eat a low fat, high fiber plant based diet and my last cholesterol check came in at 108. I excersize daily, take fish oil and eat some good fats daily. My meals are based around a starch such as potatoes or rice and then I add veggies, beans and fruits.
  11. I am trying to stock up the best I can, but with food prices going up so much I am finding it hard to do with my budget being so tight. I really wish I could do more and it's bothering me.
  12. My kids are doing every 4th in the longer sections and every other in the shorter ones.
  13. We used to get ours from Sawyers Dairy on route 124 in Jaffrey. They now have that really good ice cream place -Kimball's farm, but I think you can still get raw milk. Back then it was only $1.50 a gallon LOL, I am sure it's a lot more now.
  14. I sold an expensive curriculum on ebay and it's going to an APO. I didn't think to check first if I can get DC to an APO.
  15. I do let them redo a test once and give them the updated grade. After they redid it once, if they still have wrong answers, I have them try to find the answers using their notes & text books, but they don't get another updated grade.
  16. My 7th and 8th graders went from Saxon 7/6 into CD pre-alg and are having no trouble so far.
  17. Yes, avoid all fats until the surgery and any food that might have bothered him previously such as eggs, cheese etc.
  18. I don't know if it's connected as I haven't had that problem and have been vegan almost a year, but B=12 deficiency takes a while to happen and it shouldn't be an issue after only a few months. If you do plan to continue eating this way you should consider a supplement though.
  19. Thank you for the suggestions! I will be looking into each one.
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