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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thanks everyone. He has to work tonight and I am thinking of letting him take the van and go. I am just so nervous I am tearing up at the thought. I know he needs to get back to driving though. Please say a prayer for him today .
  2. It will be a week tomorrow since ds's accident and DH feels he is fine to drive alone. We have been driving with him every day since, but honestly I am a mess thinking about him driving by himself. I really don't feel he is ready. Dh does. Am I just being an overprotective mom?
  3. I worry about this too. I also worry that I am either not pushing him enough or pushing him too much. How do I know what he can and cannot do, kwim? How do I know what to expect from him down the road. It's very frustrating for me and I feel like I have no clue what I am doing half the time.
  4. My 10 yo does: Math English Writing Vocab Spelling Science TOG and works from @ 9-12ish. We will be adding latin in this week and that should add @ 30 minutes more. He reads @ 1-2 hours a day before/after school.
  5. We make smoothies with juice, frozen fruit, frozen spinach ( You can't taste it, really) and if we are wanting protein, I use brown rice protein powder. My current favorite is carrot juice, frozen blueberries & frozen spinach. Yumm!
  6. Nope, some just take longer. :grouphug: Wont be long now!
  7. I was induced with one and the rest came naturally between 9 and 17 days over due. :D
  8. :grouphug: the last few days are the hardest! I went over due with each and every one of the little buggers, but they do eventually get born. Hang in there!
  9. Thanks everyone! I have a good friend who basically said what you all have said, but I feel guilty spending $ when we don't have it, kwim? We are blessed in that we get a large tax return due to the child tax credits ( no we don't have any federal taken out and still get a return) so, for now, that is where I get my school money. At the time we don't have any room in our monthly budget for school supplies, so otherwise I'd have no choice. Eventually we plan to have that as part of our monthly sinking funds. I do buy a lot used and sell what I don't need and put that towards new, so that does help. Thanks for the reassurance!
  10. We are trying to start paying off our debt ala Dave Ramsey and hope to have our snowball rolling in the spring. In the meantime, each year my HS purchases have gone up and up. Next year I have a large amount of $ planned for what we will need for school. ( Yes, I already know what I would like to use next year lol) On the one hand I feel the $ is well spent because it's for the kids education and I have researched and chose programs that I feel will benefit our kids the most. On the other hand, I keep thinking we could school a lot cheaper if I tried harder. I am sure they would recieve just as good an education with less expensive programs, but it would be alot more work for me. My question is, with alot of debt, should I spend the $ on school or should I put that $ towards our debt and make do with what I can? I have heard of many people home schooling with a math program and library card, but I don't know if I can pull it off.
  11. ANother interesting link about it: http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZmZmZDg3NjkzMTk3OGZiMjc0YjVhOWUyY2I5YjY1ZTE= I am just amazed this isn't getting more attention. :confused:
  12. We haven't done this, but for now we plan to go from Abeka 5 into CD 6. Our current plan is to switch to BJU for our younger kids after this school year and go into CD at grade 6. I hope others who have actual done this answer as I'd be interested in hearing their thoughts too.
  13. I am going to be 40 next month, but I feel @ 25-30. I feel better now than I did at 30 LOL.
  14. Wow, impressive, Vicki! I wasn't sure how one would go about finding research options, so that link would be helpful. I would think the pre-med advisors would also help in this area? Thanks!
  15. Thanks, ALice. Very good info and I will be thinking about it for a while. I will have my son PM you if he does have questions. Thanks for the offer!
  16. We used it last year and I did like it a lot. It's self grading and my students were able to do it independently. My kids did like it with no real complaints. Also, I do not speak any spanish so this program was a blessing to me. HTH!
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