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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I have had this with my last few babies. It does hurt! :grouphug: I didn't find anything that helped, but delivering and then time .
  2. 10. A woman in the church we attended in NH had 10 and I am not sure if they decided to stop or just didn't have anymore.
  3. I personally know of many, many familes with 8+ kids. A few with 12-15 and even a few with over 17 and no, I don't mean the Duggars :)
  4. We found our eye Dr on the www.covd.org web site. She was willing to work with us on her fees so you never know without asking. I understand about the insurance :grouphug:
  5. :iagree: I think my DH was in denial. He would say but he can do XYZ so he can't have trouble with reading or math or whatever. He just didn't want to believe it. It has taken a while, but he realizes this isn't going to go away on it's own and that our son needs the help. I would also recommend your DH meeting with the therapist, but I understand as my DH doesn't go to any of our appointments either.
  6. I am sorry I didn't see this until now! Tracey has you covered though :D . I have never used the DVDs, just had gotten the SAT dish and materials and was beginning to go through them when we decided to not use BJU, so I don't really have an answer to organizing stuff. I hope the yahoo group is helpful for you!
  7. I second the recommendation for Chalk Dust. My 8th grader has really struggled with math and is doing well with CD so far this year. If there is somethign she doesn't get, she just rewatches the DVD and usually gets it.
  8. Black beans/salsa/corn over rice cooked with a packet of taco seasoning. Simple but quick :)
  9. LOL. I was having a mild panic attack at the thought of using it, but now that we are nearing the end of week two I have to say that I love it! It's nice having them all on one page and I love how everything I need is in one guide book.
  10. For those ages you might want to look at TOG. It's wonderful for combining and it's all done for you.
  11. Fresh fruit is obviously better for you, but if fresh isn't available, is dry still a good choice? Is the nutrient content going to be fairly the same as fresh? I am thinking specifically of blueberries if that makes a difference. Thanks!
  12. This what we do except I use 1 cup white sugar and 1 cup brown sugar.
  13. I usually toss something in the crock pot in the morning or do something really simple like black bean tortillas from beans I cooked earlier in the week and store bought tortillas.
  14. Or is it only meant as a one year study before moving on to a more advanced program? If you are using LA, how is it going so far? Also, would you choose LA for grades 5, 7 and 8 or LFC? I'd like to keep them together. I have LiCT but I am thinking of waiting for high school to use this with them. My 10th grader is using it and doing well.
  15. I think SOTW is perfect for grades 1-5/6 and is more than enough with some added lit books.
  16. I did call the neuro, but he was out already and he is calling me back tomorrow. The person I spoke with wasn't concerned and said unless he has another seizure we are fine waiting for the dr.
  17. Thank you everyone. I am trying to hold it together and trust in Him. I thought I had dealt with all this years ago when I first learned I had it, but this week is tough and I need to get my act together.
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