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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thank you everyone! I really appreciate the advice and knowing that this can be done.
  2. Here too. I think I'd be writing some letters to the medical board to have his license reviewed.
  3. I would suggest something like ACE or Lifepacs for someone in that situation. Cheap and will get the job done.
  4. My 12th grader has used text books and will concentrate on economics this year. My 10th grader is using Notgrass World History and used their US last year. The rest of my kids are using TOG and we plan to use TOG for K-12 from now on.
  5. From what I understand you are to pick out every 3 or 4th problem. If they have trouble with any of those you can go back and give them more of them as needed.
  6. We are switching to chalk dust this year and I was going to use the 3-5 grade math too, but my 5th grader didn't want to do math on the PC. So we are waiting and will switch in grade 6 with CD basic math. I am not a mathy person and am really looking forward to having the math instruction being done for me.
  7. Why can't you sell RS? I have seen it for sale on the boards and ebay.
  8. Thanks again. We are going to try to do a module a week and see how it works. If he needs to slow it down, he can. He is very good at math and did very well withthe saxon algebra I so I do think he will be fine as far as math is concerned.
  9. This year, BJU Science DVD courses for my high schoolers, a few Teaching Company courses and IEW SWI B for my middle schoolers.
  10. My kids have been playing with them forever, but I am going to guess @ 2 they start with the biger ones and @ 4-5 they use the smaller ones too. With 7 boys, we have a gazillion legos.
  11. Psalm 127:3 Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward. Psalm 127:4 As arrows [are] in the hand of a mighty man; so [are] children of the youth. Psalm 127:5 Happy [is] the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
  12. We talk about major purchases, but I pretty much buy everything when I want/need too without discussing it with him. He doesn't want to be bothered and prefers I handle things.
  13. Have your read TWTM yet? Maybe see if you can get that and read through the 9-12 section and get an idea of what SWB recommends.
  14. I had the BJU World history program and decided to use Notgrass instead because it looked easier to use /teach without needing the BJU DVD's. My son has used Notgrass US History and really enjoyed that so I think he is going to enjoy EWH this year too.
  15. I drank tons and tons of the stuff with my 9th and never went into labor at all. I would drink a quart a day. :blink: I have heard you shouldn't touch it in the first trimester than 1-2 cups a day and drink more towards the end. Maybe take a break for it for a day or two and see if things quiet down.
  16. Thanks for understanding. I took a nap with my 3 yo and I feel much better LOL. I think I needed it more than the 3 yo. :D
  17. On school nights my 13 yo is in bed at 10 and non-school is whenever we do.
  18. My kids have their first co-op classes tomorrow. They are really excited about going. I am helping in a lit class and the teacher can't make it so I agree to teach the class. Right after co-op I have to run my son 30 minutes away for OT. Stressful, but it can be done. The phone just rang and I am called for jurty duty ( again!) tomorrow. UGHHHH. :banghead: This will be the 3rd time since my term began in May and I am praying the last time. I don't care @ serving , it's just why does it have to happen the day of co-op? kwim? Nothing is ever simple for me. My Dh is going to try to leave work so he can drive them, but it's the POINT. Vent over.
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