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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Well I am ecouraged by the responses above! I just ditched another spelling program with my 7th grader and I think I am going to just give up trying. He can learn to type and use spell check.
  2. Thanks! We will probably just continue working through the review books then.
  3. I did good and didn't clean, but I did get some laundry done. Lunch is cooking and they should be back in @ 30 minutes. It was very nice while it lasted :)
  4. We were using SWR and he was doing fine with it and would get the words right when I would test him, yet during his regular writing or school work he would continually spell them wrong. I needed a break this year so we are doing a workbook program and it's pointless. He gets all the words wrong on the test and in his regular work. Do I switch back to SWR? is there something else out there that might work better for him? He really needs to learn and know ( and use) the rules. Thanks!
  5. I am thinking of having my 10th grader do this next semester as a review before the ACT and SAT. I would love to hear from you if you used this program and how well your student liked it. Did you feel they learned alot from it and was it worth the time/money?
  6. My DH took all the kids to church and here I am all alone. I am tempted to clean, but I am rather enjoying the quiet.
  7. What is the best grammar review to take before taking these test? We do have the ACT and SAT study guides, but do we need more?
  8. If I remember right there is no penalty for wrong answers on the ACT, but how is the SAT and PSAT graded? Thanks!
  9. Thanks for all the replies! I am going to continue to eat the way I have been and chalk it up to age.
  10. Yep, 40 in two weeks. I don't really mind, but I wish my body wouldn't keep reminding me! LOL
  11. No, it is not fun! I am glad I am not alone though :). So, it sounds like age and hormones are to blame and NOT my diet, which is good. I really am happy with the way I am eating.
  12. Thanks. I am hoping that diet isn't a part of it and it sounds like it's not. I need to look into other causes.
  13. Thank you, but I don't eat any soy. I have heard there can be a conenction too but avoid soy for a variety of reasons.
  14. I am wondering if that is part of it. I just didn't expect any changes so soon kwim.
  15. I don't know @ the stress. I feel so much better now and it's been 3 months since my surgery that I'd hope to be OK now. As far as the hair loss, it's not gone, but it has slowed some. I am eating more good fat, taking vitamins and eating more protein. I feel like I am working really hard to be healthy and I am falling apart LOL!
  16. I started eating a vegetarian diet @ 1 year ago then slowly switched to a low fat( @ 10% calories from fat), high fiber plant based vegan diet. I didn't put things together at the time, but I noticed that my cycles started changing @ this time. I used to be very regular and was always 28-30 days. Now I am anywhere from 21 to 26 days with a few longer cycles every now and then. Mostly I am an average of 26 days, but this month I am down to a 21 day cycle again. The lengh of my . has shortened from 5-7 days to 3-4 and is very light. While, I love the short . and lightness, I'd like to figure out what is going on. I did a bit of research today and some studies show a link between low fat and high fiber and wacky cycles and then others say there is no connection. Another shows vegetarians with wacky cycles and another without. It's very confusing. I have lost a lot of weight, but my BMI is still on the high side ( 25.1) so I am not too thin. I also feel enough time has passed that my body should be adjusted to the loss? I was also thinking I could have low progesterone and did buy some natural progesterone cream, but haven't started using it as I wasn't sure if that was my issue or not. I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you think diet can play a role in these changes. Thanks!
  17. I was once told I look like Duchess(?) Fergie and when my DH was younger he was compared to a younger Mel Gibson.
  18. Whew! I am glad it wasn't just me too! I am also glad they are back up, I was almost ready to start cleaning the house, but now I don't have too :lol:
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