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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. This is my 3rd graders day: Bible/memory M-F WWE M-Th Barton's Reading & Spelling M-F Winston Grammar M W TH MUS-2 pages/day and a test of Friday TOG- M W F R.E.A.L. Science Chemistry- T TH He reads a chapter from an easy reader daily and I do a read aloud in ther afternoons. We finish before noon except for his reading and read alouds.
  2. A few of my older kids are using/used saxon and did really well with it.
  3. See here in AR we don't have too and I like it that way LOL. Thank you! :D
  4. Honestly, I think pushing to be included in a school run/funded vax program could open the door for them to mandate all HSers have to be vaxed( all vaccines) like PS schools do. If I wanted the h1n1 vax, I'd see my family dr.
  5. I have a friend who does this, but she has to buy her coupons and then drives to 4-5 different stores. Some days she has to go out becuase the deal ends that day so she is using gas for a trip she would otherwise not take. I am wondering after buying the coupons, gas etc how much the items really cost?
  6. I believe the medieval comes out in Febuary and I was wondering what the timeline for release is for the last two books? Thanks!
  7. I believe the medieval comes out in Febuary and I was wondering what the timeline for release is for the last two books? Thanks! Oops! Sorry, I thought I was on the highschool board.
  8. For K we do this daily: 1 lesson of math 1 reading/phonics lesson 1 page of penmanship or copywork Our K'rs sit in as we read aloud for science, history and regular read alouds. If they can answer questions that's fine but I don't require anything more than listening. We do crafts, play doh, play etc.
  9. You need to get the fluid drained. I would take something like mucinex sinus D or sudafed plus benedryl.
  10. :iagree: I have used these excersizes to turn a few babies.
  11. I know a NH midwife who has a birth center and also does HB. I can get you her contact info if you want. She delivered my 4th ( in a hospital) and was my MW with my 9th.
  12. I agree. My 10th was vbac when I was 36 and had a home birth, which cost $1800 for all prenatals, delivery, after care/visits etc.
  13. Join the yahoo group and they have a yahoo for sale group, which is where I usually buy/sell my IEW materials.
  14. :iagree: I have a 20, 19, 18, 16, 15 and 13 yo and I can say I love having teens! Sure, they have their moments, but I love and treasure these years.
  15. Yes, Art Reed's DVDs replace DIVE and you wouldn't need both. I have used DIVE and much prefer Art Reeds.
  16. We are using his Alg 1/2 and Adv math DVD's and I really like them. My DD, who has tried every math out there is seems, says she finally gets math.
  17. On Friday I make copies of the reading assignments, highlight the books and pages they are to read. I put sticky notes on each book with the pages marked. These got onto a shelf specifically for TOG books in use. I give them their SAP, maps etc and we briefly go over they week to come. For my D level students, On Monday they read core and some lit, Tuesday in depth, some lit and answer the SAP questions. Wednesday they do map, lit, church reading/questions and research one person from the people to know section. Thursday they finish lit/answer lit worksheet and finish any work that needs finishing. Friday we have our discussion and they give an oral report of the person they researched. When we are done they get the next week's papers. Most of the time they do some reading over the weekends, but I stopped assigning it and just give them a M-F schedule as some weekends are too busy. With my two LG students, we are using SOTW as our spine and I read those pages on M W F, doing map work as we come across it. On T and Th we do any other books assigned. I keep their TOG week very simple. I don't assign activites but we have some of the activity books and they can do them as they wish.
  18. I think I would call SOS tech service. I tried to do something similar and gave up in frustration. Not very helpful am I? :glare: :)
  19. I have never made PW's so I don't know. I am not offended in the least. :D
  20. We have a kitty names Zeus. Of course my youngest calls him goose :D
  21. I haven't tried it, but I think freezing before rising, then rising and cooking would work. They might not be as fluffy but I thik they would stil be yummy! I want to try them with pumpkin now!
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