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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. instead of using the Niotgrasss books, which LL units did you use? Thanks!
  2. I know that's what the FAFSA says, but I didn't know that for income tax. Interesting.
  3. My 19 and 18 yo are finished. 21 yo DD has her last one tomorrow. Kids are so glad to be done and looking forward to a break.
  4. My oldest Dd is 21, lives at home, works nearly FT and goes to school FT. On the FAFSA she has to put that she is a dependent, but does she still put she is a dependent when filing her income taxes and do we list her as a dependent when we file ours? She doesn't pay rent or any money towards electricity etc and is on our health insurance, but she buys her own clothes, food, gas, car insurance, spending and that kind of stuff. Not sure what to list her as.
  5. I use them as pop quizzes and for extra work on topics they are struggling with.
  6. I put other. For me it depends on when the child is reading fluently. Once they are readng we begin grammar.
  7. And if they decide to not have anymore there will be venom. No matter what they do there will be people saying/leaving nasty comments.
  8. Thanks for the tips! Can't wait to try freezing them now.
  9. Thanks again Chris. He is in a leadership position at CAP so we will concentrate on that aspect.
  10. My 16 yo has been invovled in CAP for a few years and is now on the color guard. The only other thing he is involved with is our church's worship team. In thinking about scholarship applications, I am wondering if he should have more activites?
  11. How do you freeze them? Cut up, whole, peeled etc? I never knew tomatoes could be frozen :blushing:
  12. I have never seen them before. They are with the regular tomato products?
  13. I'd love to join in. My 3 oldest are college students and have finals starting Thursday. My 19 yo has a statics final Monday that he is especially stressing over and I know he would appreciate the prayers.
  14. Still waiting here. Hope they arrive tomorrow.
  15. Can you still rent the DVDs per course or is it now all via online? Thanks.
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