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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Renee, I was thinking about your situation this morning. I know how frustrating finances can be. :grouphug: You have said before that you have a high earning potential and while I know your DH doesn't want to be a full time stay at home dad, what about you working FT days or even PT days, he stays home and watches the kids. You can HS in the evenings and he can take some night classes. With your income level, even with you working and the # of kids, he should be able to go to school for free or pretty near free with grants. There are plenty of certificate or AS type jobs out there that will up his earning potential. What does he like to do? You live in Fl what about HVAC tech? Automechanic? Computer tech? These are certificate type jobs that don't take a 4 year degree and he can start earning higher wages in a year or two or less. My Dh went to school full time days when I was pregnant with our 7th. He would get up at midnight and deliver newspapers until 5-6 AM, come home, shower and go to school. Return home @ 4ish and do homework till 9 and then sleep till midnight. And do it all over again the next day. Weekends he would come home, sleep pretty much all day and them spend the evenings doing homework. I opened a day care and did that 6 AM to 6 PM. It was gruelling, but it was only for 18 months! Once he had his AS he started working FT days as a programmer. Then he took night classes and earned his BS. I will be praying for you :grouphug:
  2. :iagree: My kids are close in age too and we do combine a lot of things but math and english( mostly- I have combined kids in english when the older one needs review) are the two subjects I keep them at their grade level.
  3. baked potatoes with steamed broccoli and cheese sauce.
  4. I bought one at WM for under $20 and it's still working beautifully almost a year later.
  5. My youngest will be in K next year and I am not sure what to use for math. I plan on CLE 1 for first. Thanks.
  6. We use Apologia too 7th general 8th physical 9th biology 10th chemistry 11th physics 12th elective/CC My more sciency/mathy students are doing both the regular and advanced courses in one year.
  7. I have been very pleased wit hit. We have used SWI, SWIC and the themed based writing books. I like how easy the lessons are to teach and my kids actually enjoy the program and are finally writing. We plan to stick with it throughout.
  8. We are using TOG, R&S grammar, IEW writing and Saxon & Chalkdust for math. Thank you all for the ideas and suggestions!
  9. Not exactly what you asked for but I have this in my wish list: http://www.christianbook.com/reese-chronological-bible-kjv/9780871231154/pd/30115?item_code=WW&netp_id=165727&event=ESRCN&view=details ohh and this looks like a neat resource too: http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=573975&item_code=WW&netp_id=462940&event=ESRCN&view=details
  10. How are you making this work in your homeschool. Thanks!
  11. I thought if we kept toy guns out of the house, they wouldn't play guns/robbers etc. Two bites out of a grilled cheese and they had a gun. :D
  12. My older kids went to PS up until my oldest was entering 7th and it didn't make life easier. I found it more hectic. We were up by 6 to get everyone ready, fed and out the door. Then they are home by 3:30 PM and they all wanted mom time, all wanted food, then they all had home work, dinner, sports/activities etc. I used to dread 3:30 PM. Maybe it's time for a break. Put the books away for a few weeks and work on getting everyone, 14 yo incuded, on a schedule. Get those kids helping with chores. Work on any discipline issues. Then get the books back out and ease back into things. Start with the core subjects then add in the things you consider extra. I would also consider having your 8 year old evaluated for a learning disability and go from there.
  13. Congratulations!!! I will be praying for you :grouphug:
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