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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. What is the one subject you just don't like teaching or wish you could outsource? Mine is writing. :D What's yours?
  2. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/index.php?option=com_hsbc_epp_order&Itemid=1249 Has anyone seen or used this? What do you think of the program? I think it looks wonderful, but I am worried that using this type of program might hinder a poor speller to learn to spell. What do you think?
  3. If you made this as your main dish, what did you serve with it? I think my Dh and boys would love these!
  4. My 10 yo son has dylsexia as well as a seizure disorder and the Dr thinks he might also have absence seizures during the day. He was diagnosed with ADHD but I am not so sure I agree with that. I don't know what to call it but he has a very poor working memory. ( at one time he was diagnosed with apraxia but then another eval said no. I don't think he has this but figured I'd put this here) What is frustrating is that some days he is able to do his school work without trouble and the next he struggles with everything. For instance, yesterday he seemed hyper all day, which is unusual for him, but he had a great day doing his school work. He did his MUS lesson just about independently and we started a new lesson in Barton's, which he got with no problems. Today we did page 2 of his MUS lesson and he struggled throughout it. He was supposed to estimate to the hundreds and then find the exact answer. He couldn't remember how to estimate and even after I showed him again how to, he had trouble. For finding the exact answer he struggled with simple math such as 6+3. He does know this and the day before he did it fine. Tomorrow or the next day he will be back to "normal". It is normal for him to need LOTS of help to pull things out of his memory such as what a verb or pronoun is, letter sounds, narrating a story back etc, but days like today are different altogether. He has these types of days often(3-4 times a month?) and it is maddening. What would cause this? He slept well, took his meds as normal and had an egg sandwhich for breakfast.
  5. I was going to do something different but Dh has requested traditional so I am doing: turkey stuffing mashed potatoes/gravy carrots corn cranberry rolls birthday cake for DH ( His B day is the 29th but we are celebratingit T day) maybe another dessert or two, but I don't want a ton of left over sweets in the house!
  6. Thank you all for the ideas! Scrarlett, Thank you! I need to cut it out because I have been gaining back some of the weight. Too much and I am not happy. I worked so hard to lose it and I don't want it all back on. I love sugar and one bite seems to set off a binge. :banghead:
  7. I don't see the connection either? I submit to my husband and see him as the leader of our home, we leave our fertility to God and I am very happy. To each their own.
  8. I need to cut out the sugar but the cravings are making it hard to to. Any herbal or vitamins that can make this easier? Thanks!
  9. I had my VBAC with a MW and felt very safe. A good MW will stay with you throughout labor and will be able to spot issues that might be an emergency. I know there is a risk of UR, but the risk is very small. You need to do some research on the risk and make the descision that is best for you and one that will allow you to be in peace. Have you been to http://ican-online.org/ ? I have some articles on VBAC and UR, if you are interested PM me.
  10. My last few babies were all high till late pregnancy, which I think is common once you have had a few babies. One thing I did differently with my last was bind my belly. I started @ 34-35 weeks and wore the binding during the day. I would do my excersizes to make sure the baby was in a good position and after I was done, I'd bind my belly. He was in a fantastic position for birth and I had a very easy labor. http://www.midwiferytoday.com/articles/transcript.asp "The rebozo is also used in the midwife's bag. It is a piece of cloth that can be used to wrap around a woman's belly. The woman who's had many babies and has a big belly that falls out onto her lap, well, usually the baby is not well aligned in her body. Actually, she may have contractions and have labor for a long time. Even though she's had babies, baby can't come out because baby's resting outside. It's just out there on the bed or out there in the air, and you need to bring that baby back into her body. The rebozo is a very convenient way of doing it. What I've done is lay the woman down and have gravity pull the baby back inside her, and then I tighten the rebozo around, with the knot on the side, so that she cannot feel the knot if she's leaning. And I just make it nice and tight, usually as tight as I can, because the belly is a huge weight. Then she can get up and have the baby once the baby has fallen back into place. [it positions the baby back over the cervix to help it dilate in labor."
  11. This is the one I saw and I had to back the TV up twice to make sure I saw what I saw. I kind of figured out what the site was. Sick.
  12. This does look interesting. Thanks for the link.
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